If you guys wanna see where I live


Staff member
If I have a TV tomorrow, I'll damn sure be watching Law and Order!


*doesn't have cable and doesn't get that channel*

hey - someone stream that footage on the site, wouldja? :)


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
It's on FREE TV (NBC) :D

Actually this is about the 7th or 8th time L&O has used auntie's house to film an ep. It's always a pain in the butt to go through because they have to come a couple days early to set up, then one day (anywhere from 12-20 hours) to shoot, then another day to rip everything down. My aunt makes out like a bandit (and I don't get a penny to put up with all of it).

We have some of the eps on video already but NBC is finally sending over a complete set so if anyone wants copies... ;)


I know NBC is free tv you dork :D

But here, on this rock in the middle of the Pacific, you need cable to catch just about anything on television. You can use an air antenna but you'd only get 2-3 channels (ABC, FOX - if it's a good, clear day, and K-5-a local station).

Where I live, we're too far from the main highway and there are too few residents for the cable company to install wiring ... so it's not available to us ... my aunty have a satelite dish and I was thinking of getting one too but the truth is, we're hardly home and when we are home, there are so many other things that need to get done ... so it'd be a waste of money ... and if I had television, I would be the one stuck to the tube, not my kids :D


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Whoops; fergot you lived out there. :o

You didn't miss much; for all that work they did in setting up, they must have had only a zoom lens on this shoot. For those who saw it; dead guy in courtyard was right next door to us (you can see my aunt's staircase and maybe the :usa: flags in her plants. Opening sequence after commercial was filmed in a fricking huge 60' by maybe 20 room, yet they only used nice and close shots so you really couldn't tell (at least I couldn't initally). Soft pr0n girl was filmed upstairs in a small b/r and when racist pig was arrested was filmed downstairs. I'm kinda disappointed in this ep because they're used to always have wide shots so you can defintely see it's my aunt's building but this one they didn't.

Oh well.