I feel sad


Kissy Goddess
Ever watch a movie that has you completely spellbound, riveted, happy, thrilled, scared..... all of that.... then suddenly it is brought to your attention in a subtle way that it is almost over? and you are hanging on every last scene.. every word.. praying it will go on little longer.. wanting more.. and although you feel so good after having watched such an incredible movie and it will leave a great memory in your mind.... you are sad beyond words that it's over......

sad because you are not in that theater anymore feeling good....
sad because you may never see such a good movie like that again.
sad because the producer doesn't care how you feel once you have left.... as long as you were there for a time, so they can get your money.

I feel sad.


Eee equals emcee squared...
Aw, Spirit, don't be sad!

Cheer up, something will come along soon to make you happy once more! :D


Eee equals emcee squared...
Be glad for the time that you had.........

It would be even worse if you never had the experience. Even though you wouldn't realize what you've missed out on, it is a sad thought of missing something that is so good, even if it is only for a short time.........

Does that make sense??!!??


Kissy Goddess
Ya.. it does.

But sometimes I think it's good not to have a good thing if it's just going to be over because it leaves a void.

It's like... uumm... ok.. you have a bucket with a hole in it.. but you suddenly find you have your favorite flavor ice cream in it, which is fine because it won't leak out... but then suddenly you find that the ice cream has melted and drained out the hole and now you have an empty bucket, with a hole.... once again.

And you never really got to reap the benefits of all the flavors and textures and smells of that ice cream before it decided to melt and drain.


I feel incredibly sad and I hate it.


Eee equals emcee squared...
OK.......I see your point.........


Say, your bucket is full with no hole. You have all of your favorite ice cream in it. At least, it was your favorite up to now. Then, you find some more ice cream that taste mucho better! But, your bucket is full with your old favorite which is now not your favorite anymore because the new flavor suits you much better. It just fits your taste buds better than the old flavor, but you have no way of carrying it so you must pass it up.


If we always had an endless supply of what we crave, we would be boring people. Without the experience of diversity, changing our minds, so to speak, we build our persona. By switching to different things when the old stuff is gone or ends, we experience new and wonderful things which add to our soul. Even sadness helps shape our being. Without these up, down, and sometimes sideways experiences we would be such a boring organism............. don't you think?

This probably doesn't make you any less sad, but hopefully it will put the sadness in a better perspective......... :D


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Next time, go to a Jean Claude van Damme matinee. you'll never have that feeling again:eek:


Eee equals emcee squared...
Yuuuuckkk! van Damme Gonzo?

I never really cared much for him......

Alright, 100 post now!:D


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
read the whole thing, apparently neither do I. matinee, never have this feeling again :D


Kissy Goddess
AMDnut.... you are a real doll, ya know that?

Gonzo...... Damme is a babe, atleast ;)

BigDadday...It doesn't have a name, really... it was a metaphor... if that's the right word I am looking for.

Still kinda sad.... but dealing with it.

I love you guys.... you're ALL incredibly sweet.

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
As my boss would say, "Do you really want to have the same cereal everyday or do you want the variety pack", Fuit loops one day, Special K the next. Okay bad idea.:D

Cheer up doll, like the boys above said, one day you'll walk into a different movie theater and the movie will give you everything you need and gone on for as long as you want.


SWM 40 seeking truth
You are putting your expectations, hopes, etc. in the wrong place. Only God can satisfy completely that which we long for in this life but can only achieve in the next.


Eee equals emcee squared...
Thanks Spirit!

Just want to make sure those beautiful red lips of yours smile as much as possible!;)


Kissy Goddess
Originally posted by wine4all
You are putting your expectations, hopes, etc. in the wrong place. Only God can satisfy completely that which we long for in this life but can only achieve in the next.

You amaze me. Thank you for that. Sometimes I lose focus.

Again, thanks you guys. A sad hum in the background, but getting on and feeling better.

Sorry I pulled you into this little pity party of mine.


SWM 40 seeking truth
Originally posted by Spirit

Sorry I pulled you into this little pity party of mine.

Don't be... in this blink-of-an-eye life we have to reach out and love one another to keep it from seeming like an eternity.


Everday People
We are all brothers and sisters they say so our shouldes are yours as when we need one you will be there for us.:beerchug:


Official Wine Taster
Movies Move Me Too, Spirit!

Sharin' the emotion with ya, I recall 'ow I felt after watchin', "Titanic" fer the first an' second times.
I mean I had jus' never imagined that love between a man an' a woman could look like that! Obviously that's the kinda love I long to give an' receive, someday.....
Also felt a strong sense of connection with George in, "It's a Wonder Life". One of my personal favorites!
(Gotta hug fer ya anyway, Darlin'):)


I know the feeling well and it sucks, but one day the sun will shine and that feeling will be gone for good hopefully:cry:


Staff member
I'm never really negatively affected by a movie. I don't know why.

Hackers was a horrible movie, but it made me laugh over how horrible it was. There are a crapload of inaccuracies in that movie that I'd be able to spend all DAY pointing out, for instance when the hippie dude, cereal killer, was drooling over a 28.8k modem, he called it a "twenty eight point eight kay bee pee ess" modem. NO geek worth being called a geek refers to it like that. "Twenty eight eight kay" at least, but DEFINITELY not "twenty eight point eight kay bee pee ess"

But I digress.

Most movies have a positive effect on me. They make me laugh at them or with them, they make me drool in awe of the special effects, they get me involved deep into the movie with the plot, characters and details, etc etc.

I don't think I've ever walked out of a movie like this: :cry2:


i am my my own evil twin
i always like films that are about the texture and tone of the themes as well as the story. i suppose tim burton falls into that - his films are very atmospheric, almost black and white to emphasise the colour.
same is true of ridley scott, all darks and blues [usually neon]
and one of my favourite films: three colours blue - short on dialogue but dominated by music. fantastic film, can happily watch it all day.

hope the deep blue funk is clearing spirit, go to the cinema again, or rent a favourite video and drink it in :)