Hub question


Staff member
I hooked up a Asante 10T HUB/8 to my DSL modem so that I could have my desktop PC constantly connected and hook up my laptop without having to disconnect the desktop. Anyway, so far I can get on the web with my laptop and access files on the desktop PC. However, I can't get the desktop PC on the web nor is it able to access anything on the laptop.

The laptop is a Win2k machine and the desktop is Win98.

Any ideas?


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Are you the same user with the same password on both machines?

The Win2k box needs to have the user name and PW from the 98 box installed as a user.


Staff member
Ok, that makes sense...I haven't been using a login at all on the 98 machine. But, I don't know that it will get the thing on the web though.


Its a bit complicated.........

Is your DSL modem a Router aswell ,is it a Dsl router/modem ???

If it is not a router aswell then you CANNOT expect both pc and laptop to connect to web. Because it can only hook up to 1 item ,it cannot assign IP addresses.

If it is a router/modem then itcan hand out addresses and usually does by default ,its call DHCP ,so in both machines (laptop/pc) you would have to go into Network neighborhood ,under TCP/IP for your network card and have it setup for DHCP and DO NOT assign a IP Address.

And when each component hooks up to it, the router will assign an ip address automatically.and both will be able to see eachother and surf the net.

Now if your Modem is just a modem and the company assigned you a STATIC IP ,then you need to have the static IP in the computer you feel is most necassary to surf net under the tcp/ip setting for you network card.

Now to get the 2 computers to see and talk(without a router) ,leave the hub connected ,and disconnect modem for a sec ,now you would need to assign each computer an IP address PC and laptop ,in the tcp/ip netwok card setting in network settings in control panel..

Then you must enable file and printer sharing in both computers ,then right click on like the "C:" drive on each computer and select sharing ,and share at FULL access ,you may also do that with the printer on the pc right click and share ,then when the laptop goes to the pc you will see a printer then you can right click on that and select install ect.....

Very complicated ,let me know what you find out .

Bottom line if the modem doesnt have a router the both laptop and pc CANNOT surf net.

you would need to buy a router with like 2-4 ports and pop that in place of hub and set the 2 computers for DHCP and it should work fine ,and plug modem into appropriate port on router.


Staff member
Well, I'm about to go look for my DSL manual. But I do know for a fact that I do NOT have a static IP.

I'll see what else I come up with.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
If it is not a router aswell then you CANNOT expect both pc and laptop to connect to web. Because it can only hook up to 1 item ,it cannot assign IP addresses.

Correct. you can give each the same connection stats but only connect one at a time or (if it's like cable) get a second IP info for the laptop.


Staff member
I thought a hub just connected machines together as a network and then whatever computer had the internet connection was used as the gateway with a singular IP connecting all machines to the internet, and a router connected a cable or DSL modem to multiple computers, assigning each to a different IP... :confused: