Hello tech support?


Staff member
I used to work for a cable internet service and one of the strangest calls that I heard about was about a dog that wouldnt come in the house. The lady said "ever since we got the internet, our dog won't come in the house." She called several times but our tech support always told her that it was something we could not help her with.

Finally one of our techs decided to help. He asked her many questions. She said that she would try to drag the dog in the house and he still wouldn't come in. He would run away yelping. After a long line of questioning the tech finally figured out what the problem was. Evidently the customer had one of those invisible dog fences that runs underground. When we installed the cable lines for the internet, one of our lines got crossed with the fence. This caused the signal from the fence to carry through the cable line and up to the house, making the entire house a forcefield so to speak. When they tried to drag the dog into the house it would get a shock from the fence.

Poor dog.

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
I've got one for you.

A lady brought in her printer saying it won't print yellow.
So I go and test it. Works fine. I call the lady back and tell her it might be har drivers as the printer worked fine on our computer at work. She picks up the printer and calls back the next day. "I don't understand, you said it worked fine ,I installed the drivers and it's still not printing yellow. I need to finish this project by tomorrow." I tell her to bring the printer back & I'll show her it works fine and to bring in the cables and the print outs.

Guess what,

the dumb bitch was printing on yellow paper!


Staff member
how did you explain the problem? ......................without laughing!


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I was helping a customer setup his Internet. We were at the point in the DUN configuration where the user needed to enter the phone number his machine is going to be dialing. so what's he...he starts punching the keys on the phone while were talking....maroon

Or this one. Got a guy on the phone Tell him to use his mouse, grab hold of the icon and drag it out to the desktop. Here, let go of the mouse buttona nd a menu will come up. Select create a shortcut. He does. I tell him to find the shortcut on his desktop....(paper rustling in the background)..he comes back and tells me he can't find it. I tell him to ensure all open windows are closed and check again...he tells me he will be right back...a few minutes pass, then more paper rustles and he finally returns. He siad he closed all the windows and checked his dektop again. he can't find it. I say sir. Look at the computer screen. Not the windows in your home and not the physical desktop where your monitor sits...low and behold....he found it.


New Member
I got a phonecall once from a slightly frustrated older woman. She told me she had just finished her Freelance presentation and all of a sudden the text in the presentation was gone. After a minute on the phone with her, I told her to email it to me so I could have a look.

I saw all the illustrations and I saw all the bullets in the presentation, but there were no text. So....I dragged my mouse over where the text were supposed to be, and I could see that there were indeed something written in there...I rightclick, choose text properties, and guess what??



New Member
Well this is the most fun I have and it's actually happened more than once. I arrive at a customer's home. I ask "what's wrong with your PC?" They say "it won't do anything. It won't turn on, no power, no lights, no nothing...". I walk over and push the power button and the little sucker comes right on and boots right up, and the customer just stands there mouth dragging on the floor, looking and wondering "what did you do?" It's a riot! :D