Hello Peeps!


Everday People
Well I snuck downstairs to my puter for a bit :) and found out today the state has OK'd my surgery to the fullest of what the doctor has to do and of all days it's the 14th of Feb. Happy Valentines day to me.:(

I will be off for 6 weeks at least after the surgery and just hope I can get down the steps alot easier.

L8r and behave all of you,;):scared: :scared: :scared:


New Member
But BD, I thought you had a laptop?! What are you going to do with your days, aren't ya gonna be posting a storm here while you're stoned on painkillers? Well if ya can't, I hope you feel better soon dear, and Happy V Day! :D


Staff member
Hang in there, John. Take it easy, we'll still be here when you get back. :D

Best wishes to you and your family :)


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Luck, BD. At least you're on the path to doing something about it.

Look at it this way, 6 weeks of uninterrupted posting time. :D


Everday People
As the saying goes the deal was to good to be true and it was probably a load of poop anyway.:( Will still try to get to my puters when I can tho.;)