First Date Stories


Staff member
For mnine and brainsoft's first date we went rollerblading. It was nice (until i fell on my back OW!). If you (or her) aren't a good rollerblader (personally I suck) then I don't recommend it but if you can rollerblade I think it's a good idea.


i am my my own evil twin
i once took a sister of a friend of mine out for the day. i drove us up to a small place called Ely where they've go this amazing cathedral. we walked round it a bit, got a bite to eat and then sat in the cathedral grounds in the sun chatting.
it was a lovely day, mid september and sunny. she's blond and was wearing a long blue dress and the way the late afternoon sun caught her was amazing so i took some pics. damn things never came out :(

i took her out again a while later but i had to go back to uni and she was back home, so nothing ever came of it. i met my current missus a few weeks after going back and that was 5 years back.

one thing's for sure though, it was really nice day out and i can still picture her. i only hope she remembers it as well as i do.

soft git that i am :)


Found the girl of my dreams on the web:


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