Firefighters Flag Memorial Sculture


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Apparently they've stopped the memorial based on the photograph of the flag raising. Instead of putting a sculpture in front of the fire (building) in Brooklyn, after the rucus was raised about changing the "appearance", they've now scrapped the idea altogether. :uhoh:

This is why government shouldn't be involved in our daily lives, they can't see the whole picture. The argument wasn't about the racial quota, it was about basing it on fact.:eureka:

So, instead of a nice new sculpture, using multiple races & hopefully sexes, it is no longer an option at all.:eek3:


New Member
September Eleventh, Two-Thousand and One
A day to remember; a day that is done
An amalgam of emotion, this world has sent
The lives of our loved ones, so quickly were spent

A place in time for a moment of pause
These things that happen; these things that cause
Our lives to stop, and our hearts to poor
The time for people to open this door

This door of peace through a time of hate
A world unites, a moment too late
These lives are lost, these lives are taken
But we will resolve, be not mistaken

Our time here is valuable, but short at best
And I know the we will pass this test
Those who kill will pay the ultimate price
For a game they play; For a roll of the dice

Our World, Our Nation; we will prevail
We are not near the end of this tail
Our Brothers and Sisters will all unite
We will go on; We'll live through this night