Did September 11 change your holiday celebrations?



A poll at CNN.com asks that question. Did September 11 change your holiday celebrations?

I don't know that it made any difference to me, but I kept it in the back of my mind, and it was one of the things about 2001 that made it a bad year. I didn't smile a whole lot on Christmas day.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Not really (went up to my sis' in-laws). But explaining what happened to me that day a million times got a little distressing after a while. Especially when someone you don't know comes up to you and says "I hear you got some exercise on 9/11."

It was an elderly guy and apparently a priest (or some other religious dignitary (sp?)) so I just kinda let out a laugh...kinda bugged me at the time, but we had a nice chat later on so no harm done.


That was a pretty insensitive thing to say. I would of walked off on the guy and not answered him.


Everday People
Not negating what you're saying but how does one approach someone who has lived thru one of the most horrific acts that has happened in over 50 years (WW2 is all I can think of)and ask you how you are and what was it like? I know what you're saying when it gets tiring after awhile but for those of us who were just glued to the news reports and then to meet or talk to a person who lived it I myself would have toask and am not sure how I would bring the topic up as it is a touchy one.

OK about Christmas I was a bit down because I was thinking of 3 thousand people who didn't get to celebrate it and then all the lives they touched those people also had a bad holiday with the remembering. BD


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I think he (as BD said) was just using it as an icebreaker. He even tried apoligizing for it later on. It's the most I've talked about that day since it happened. My bro-in-law has a huge family and it felt kind of weird that people knew me and I didn't know them (thanks to my sis).


You will forever be the talk of parties and the like. Just think that you can always hype it up a little to use it to pick up women and make them feel sorry for you.

Now there is an insensitive comment.:o


Staff member
LOL s4 is giving you a new pickup line dude. :D

I can see where if i were to meet you at a party or something i might want to get a real perspective on just what happened that day. Unfortunately its human nature to want to know these things. It the train wreak analogy, as gross as it is we still gotta look. At least he appologized later on. He could have just left it up to you by saying " if you prefer not to talk about it I understand."


New Member
A friend of mine works in DC and came home for the holidays, she was pretty sick of answering questions about 9/11 by the end of the day.

9/11 didn't change my holiday plans though.


Hey Huge - that was pretty uncool, what they guy said to you .. but you know, some people deal with these kinds of situations differently and they really don't think before they talk (my younger sister is one of them :D)

My Holiday plans haven't really changed although we (me and my kids) usually to do the Angel Tree thing and we couldn't find one anywhere. Strange - one of the Salvation Army bell ringers said they didn't have any Angel Trees this year because so many people had been giving since the 9/11 attacks ... I don't know, but I figured if there were ever a time that the Angel Tree was needed, it's now. It's been a family tradition since my oldest was young that the kids write down three of the things they asked Santa for or really want and they have to go to the tree, pick a kid around their age that asked for one of the things on their list and they have to give up that thing and buy it for the kid instead. Since there was no tree, they put $10 in the Salvation Army bucket instead.