

Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Prof said something in Thriller Promotions that got me to thinking-my facts are not exact, so keep the personal insults to a minimum please:)

It seems that Christianity was about 1300 years old when the Crusades started. That resulted in an extreme amount of death & mayhem, in the name of religion.
If I'm correct, Islam is about 1300 years old. Anyone else see the correlation?:lurk:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
You were talking about then still being pissed about the Crusades

I did a minor bit of research-the Crusades were from 1075-1270 AD, not quite 1300 years but close.
The founding of Islam is dated from 6th-10th Century AD

so, the dates don't exactly correlate, but close enough for government work.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
New Texas seems to have taken up Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, the Qatar, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia & the 'stans too. Maybe a bit much?

How about Israel get Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, part of Saudi & Iraq.


SWM 40 seeking truth
Originally posted by Gonzo
Prof said something in Thriller Promotions that got me to thinking-my facts are not exact, so keep the personal insults to a minimum please:)

It seems that Christianity was about 1300 years old when the Crusades started. That resulted in an extreme amount of death & mayhem, in the name of religion.
If I'm correct, Islam is about 1300 years old. Anyone else see the correlation?:lurk:

Yeah!!! If you're going to do something... do it right the first time!


Mushroom at large
Originally posted by br0ck
dammit, back to MS Paint'll have to get Lara back at OCN to do it.

Or you could just drag her ass in here. We don't have any sheep, so she doesn't have to be as careful about where she steps. At least, she wouldn't if you guys would stop all the wanking.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Since I put these at OCN, I may as well put them here too. the first is a link to FDR's declaring war on Japan and what to do with the Japanese aliens-and not one word of placing the AMericans of Japanese decent into "internment" camp. The second is a study of said atrocities in America.

Not all MiddleEasterners are terrorists and not all terrorists are MiddleEasterners, so says Tim McVeigh & Theodore "Do I have a present for you" Kazinski(sic?)


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I like this too much not to put it here...

The internment of Americans of Japanese decent during WWII is, by no means, a trivial matter. That is the greatest atrocity ever to behold the United States of America-greater even than Nagasaki & Hiroshima, because those cities could, in a great leap, be seen as casualties of war. But, the imprisonment & ultimate theft, by our government, of those CITIZENS property & liberty, without due cause is simply as unAmerican as we could get. It will & must not be allowed to happen again in the 21st century, for if it does, Timothy McVeigh will be proven correct, as will the Islamic fundamentalist movement & all supporters for our downfall. We are a nation of laws-if those laws are allowed to go unheeded by the government that is in place to uphold them, we-as a nation and as a people, may as well perish.