Cable Modem Hacking Goes Mainstream


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
from a story aquired at DSLReports

New 'one step' tool could be big problem for ISP's
Uncapping one's cable modem to obtain higher download rates hasn't been a broad problem for providers yet, mainly because the process requires a bit of technical savvy to accomplish. That could all change with the release of a new "one step" uncapping tool that could create a nightmare for ISP's who aren't prepared. The 30 Megabyte program offers a graphic user interface with easy to use menus, and is currently in beta, according to an article at Security Focus.
Posted 05-09 08:16 See: business cable security

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Staff member
Wow...that's pretty cool. Wish could still get a cable modem. I liked it better than the DSL I have now.