Another domain


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I got thinking today about this whole mess with BIOS Central and was thinking about buying and .org, dump this new site and startup these two two mirro one another. Thoughts?


Staff member
If you did that could this dork that took bioscentral come back on you?


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
No. fury and I talked about it some. No, he couldn't come after me, because I wouldn't post the post codes up. That dosen't mean I wouldn't get flack though. Probably some harassing as well. More headaches, more stress.. screw it. I'll stick with comp techs for now. Get it some time and if it looks like it'll actually do something, then I'll keep it. If it dosen't look like it'll go anywhere, then I'll just do something else. Once of the nice things about this vB software is I can use it on any site. It's not tied down to one domain as long it only runs on one.


Staff member
Too bad they force you to upgrade every week.

Watch em, when 3.0 comes out there'll be so many damn bugs that they'll have us up to 3.0.1a.RC.x86.beta.build1452 in no time


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I'm following fury on this. I'll wait my time. It works now, so no need to upgrade until a stable version comes forth.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I still wanna know if you've ever seen proof of his "ownership" of BIOS codes?