Advice update


Everday People
If you remember I was having some weird problems at my work place and being threatened with being taken off my job and put to the lowest level that is in our plant.

WELL!:D The union had a management and union meeting yesterday and all hates broke loose and they were in a shouting match about yours truly. End Result: :D I was pulled into the foremans back office for a one on one talk which I did not want to do so after I sat there with keeping my thoughts and feelings inside me the VP came in and she sat there after I asked her to be present. All is "forgotten" about that last meting and then I went balistic about what she said to me,hoe I felt and how upsetting it was to be told in one sentence you are being removed and the next sentence you're a great worker etc. :D

Now I still don't trust them but the un ion went to bat for me and hit that home run that the Yankees are so prone to do so thnx again all who were interested and I talked with. BD:beerchug:


Staff member
They didn't have a leg to stand on BD...too bad they didn't figure that out until after they got you all shook up. Glad to hear they did come to their senses after all. :thup:


Everday People
Man I am about ready to just go and find a trailer and move it to a isolated place where I could have internet access and say good bye to the world.

I walk into work and the foreman says to me that another hourly employee told her that I was not doing my job last night.:mad: After listening to what she says I told her the exact thing that happened and she was like Oh he didn't say that.
I then went to the Pres of the union and told him.

I was not done! I finally got ahold of him about 4 hours after the shift started and asked him just what the heck he was talking about. He explains to me that I should of been doing the job and the other person should have been there to assist me if needed.I tell this Jerk that if he looked around he would have noticed that the machinery was different and that the person doing the job was the correct one and I was just helping him as I am a nice guy, He says "I didn't know"

I Give Up there are nuts in my workplace and I think I am one of the few sane ones. BD


Staff member
Keep your chin up BD. What goes around, comes around. Also, I find it's good for the soul to make stupid faces at the meanies behind their backs.:p :D