Abortion: Amoral, or necessary evil?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Prof, I was just making a point, as it realted to what unclehobart wrote. I know you didn't say anything about licensing, but there was a similarity, in my mind.

If you've read some of the other threads I've written about parenting, you should realize I agree with you about parental responsibility. But the "make the parents pay for the childs mistake" thing is a bit far-fetched. I was a kid that didn't actually get in trouble, but I saw my share of the inside of police cars. Curfew & shit like that. My parents thought I was doing something else ( or I snuck out the window). Why should my parents, as an example, pay for my impregnating another teenager, when, in all probability, she also did something her parents would disapprove? And, most stat-rape laws end at 16.

plus,these days, the girl/boy dating ritual(he wants in her pants, she says no, he tries harder, etc) seems to have reversed.


Mushroom at large
Why should my parents, as an example, pay for my impregnating another teenager, when, in all probability, she also did something her parents would disapprove?

If a kid breaks my window, I can go after his parents for damages. Likewise, if a fine is dictated for any criminal charge, the parents are liable. Why sould this be any different?

BTW I didn't single out the boy's family. Both parents were lax.


Morris Dancer
Hell you picked a real beast here Fury.
For my 2c I believe all options should be available. Then it is up to the individuals to decide.
My own personal view is no abortion unless needed on medical grounds my wife feels the same. Due to the fact wife fell pregnant twice while on the pill and we have two extra sons, we hadn't planned for, that are a bonus so to speak. It has made our lives a bit tougher but that was our choice. But each unto his own on this one. You make the choices, you live with the consequences.
Now on to adoption as an alternative. We view this debate from the western worlds view but remember guys we are the minority. Would you think it such a good idea if you lived in say Brazil or Bangladesh?

Now how about broardening the scope of this to include the rights and wrong of parents predetermening a childs gender. I feel this is a very dangerous option that is now available. It needs careful thought.


Official Wine Taster
Originally posted by unclehobart
My method assures baseline responsibility in the first place... or at least a shot at much higher odds that a baby won't be born to irresponsible crap people in the first place.

Hey Unc, never posted directly to ya before but jus' curious whatcha mean by "crap people". In yer book, what constitutes disposable human existance? Ever been in the shoes of one of these "criminals" yer sentencin'? Without a li'l more info., sounds like China might suit ya well........