A very nice web site.

Mwah, it looks nice, but real professional websites don't use Flash. They use Javascript and HTML, that's it.
Flash slows down a website like hell. Good professional are fast and thus don't use flash.

Call me lame, but this website looks professional and is fast http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/default.asp

Look at the source, the source is clean, very clean.

2advanced is highly annoying with all the flashing pieces, moving parts and stuff like that. The sounds starts to be almost undurable after 30 seconds.
Graphics are very nice, but besides from that, it sucks IMO.


New Member
Ever since I got rid of dial-up, I enjoy the flash sites more than I used to. It's good when they give you a choice of skipping the intro or loading the non-flash version of the site. Some of these websites are to showcase their Flash talent though, and maybe get some work out of it so in that case I don't think it's out of line. But imagine going to those sites on dial-up? :scared: