7-year old charged with a felony


Earlier in the morning, school officials said the boy had taken his medication, Irwin said. She didn't know what kind of medication the boy was taking.

The boy has had(-discipline-)problems in the past but has never attacked other students, school officials said.

sounds like somebody forgot how to do the job... but maybe its just me


Staff member
I take that back. I do have something to say about it.

It is a total and complete load of crap.

Every party involved in this, if you ask me, is an idiotic fuckwit.

The boy is an idiotic fuckwit because he went around stabbing other kids with a pencil...

The parents are idiotic fuckwits cause they didn't teach their kid the difference between right and wrong soon enough.

The police are idiotic fuckwits because they charged a CHILD... a 7-year old CHILD with something you'd think one would have to be quite a bit older to be charged with. Aggravated assault? No fucking shit. He's a kid for god's sake! He's gonna get aggravated, and he's gonna assault other kids. It's the way they think at that age nowadays, since their parents are too afraid to discipline them.

The principals at that school are idiotic fuckwits... just because some kid gets mad and starts pushing pencils into other kids' skin, doesn't mean he doesn't need to be educated. He needs to be whipped by his parents, but still the boy doesn't deserve not to get taught. 7 is a very curious age. Most little kids are still asking their daddies the endless questions at this age, and this would be a very bad time to expel him.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
This is a simple result of two things:

1) The lawsuit-happy nature of US society these days
2) The press feeding frenzy involving school violence the past couple years

The school admins were fuckwits because they were afraid of umpteen million parental lawsuits if they weren't seen to be "doing something about it".

The authorities were fuckwits because their political superiors were afraid of bad press if they weren't seen to be "doing something about it". The reason I blame the press is that they've been covering a non-story. Is anyone else aware that the year of the Columbine massacre showed a net decrease in violent and nonviolent school crime in percetage terms? And yet, the media tells us we're in an escalating crisis.

Plenty of bullshit to go around on this one. And you're right, Fury. The parents need to be severely punished for not doing their jobs.