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    chirp chirp chirp

    I can't believe it's damn near mid December and there are birds chirping outside :cool:
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    I think we need to spice things up a bit

    PARTY TIME IS MY FAVORITE TIME, i'll bring a jug of Jack Daniels :beerchug:
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    Need everyones help!! Urgent!

    Jeeeeeezzzzzzz, I don't think I want to see any more of that :fart: uh-oh, coffee's kicking in *runs to bathroom*
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    Need everyones help!! Urgent!

    NO, I didn't :eh:
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    It never ends!

    I had two last year, one for lower back problem, diagnosis: slightly bulging disk, and one for my left hip, diagnosis: avascular necrosis of the hip. I am scheduled for bi-lateral toenail reconstruction on the 20th.
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    Need everyones help!! Urgent!

    That is gross......someone has too much time on thier hands :sick:
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    George Harrison dies at age 58

    LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- George Harrison, the lead guitarist in possibly the most influential pop group of all time, The Beatles, has died at age 58.
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    Cable's fun side

    Didn't get any notice from my cable provider (Mediacom). Glad I kept my modem.
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    Early Bird Specials

    I was rather impressed with Best Buy this year. They gave out maps that showed where all the hot deals were located. The checkout area was blocked off from the entrance so you pretty much could only go one way when you entered the store. All the stuff I wanted was sitting in the main isle around...
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    Early Bird Specials

    I ARRIVED AT 4:30.......GOT UP AT 3:45...AND YES IT WAS WORTH IT :p
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    Early Bird Specials

    Arrived at best buy at 4:30am, second in line. Got everything I went for. They were handing out tickets in the line for the big stuff. Here's what I got: Digital Research 16x10x40 cd-rw : $29.99 after mir 2 256mb pc133 memory : $9.99 ea. after mir 110 spindle 16x cd-r blanks : free after...
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    Christmas Shopping list... :scared: gotta have that cd-rw :scared:
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    w00t baby

    Neo, did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?
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    Target practice anyone?
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    Hammer of the Gods

    ZEPPLIN ROCKS saw them in Birmingham, AL in '77 they played for 4 hours straight :spin2:
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    Last word first

    Look Spirit, if your passin out treats, you must surrender all treats to the alex immediately :smoke: :whip: :ladiesman
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    Kruz, that sounds like a good idea, think I will try that next time I reinstal. :beerchug:
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    Last word first

    Hard times ahead for all of us.
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    Last word first

    way down yonder in the paw-paw patch :confused:
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    Last word first

    me have attitude problem today. tired of doin slackers work for him......kill slacker.....kill slacker.....kill slacker :smash: