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  1. flavio


    Movie quote. What movie? C'mon now.
  2. flavio


    Alright I'll try to come up with a kiddie question.
  3. flavio

    Oh my....yeah baby!

    Is it still working?!!?? Cool.
  4. flavio


    Are these questions really that hard?
  5. flavio

    All I want for X-mas is....

    That's what I did. I love my PS2. That's pretty slick tho'
  6. flavio

    Oh my....yeah baby!

    oh yeah.....suck it baby! For some reason you have to right-click -> save target as to get this thing. You guys are gonna think I lost my mind. :D
  7. flavio


    or answer this.....what is a good program to use to make a professional looking topographical map?
  8. flavio

    There's NO Need to Fear....

    I've made some stuff with Ulead Cool 3D before, but I don't know how to apply different effects to twp pieces of text. What's the trick?
  9. flavio


    Ha! it's back! It was Gary Busey assaulting Robin on the Howard Stern show. Ok, how about this: What are the complete set of optimum bios settings for a Celeron 366@550 on an Abit BM6?
  10. flavio

    Welcome to the team, br0ck!

    *checks status* dayumn...had me a little worried for a sec. no really?
  11. flavio

    Welcome to the team, br0ck!

    Here here Brock! Did you replace someone or did we just add another?
  12. flavio

    I am drinking

    I hate Pepsi, but you can cool cans if you want:
  13. flavio

    Graphics 2

    Is that Ulead Cool3D?
  14. flavio

    That old guy sure can play

    If Jordan wants to come back then I'm happy for him. I just wish he was on a better team.
  15. flavio


    heheh :D
  16. flavio


    <blink><font size="3" color="yellow">Click---> </font></blink><a href=" "><font size="4" color="orange">WEEEEEE!!!</font></a><blink><font size="3" color="yellow"> <---Click</font></blink>
  17. flavio


    HHAAHHAHA>... My ceiling paint post was thread #1! :laugh:
  18. flavio

    I knew it!

    That website aint workin for me
  19. flavio

    Ceiling paint question

    No problem. :D I like my blue living room.