Search results

  1. Inkara1

    How Many MP3's Have You Downloaded Through AudioGalaxy™

    Two songs on AudioGalaxy, I think. I'd download a lot more if I had better than dial-up in my dorm room... like I would if I went to any other school. :mad: One thing I miss about Napster is that I could listen to the portion of the song I'd downloaded while it continued to download, so if it...
  2. Inkara1

    The english language is so odd

    I look at American English a lot the same way as I look at the United States government. The US Government was put together before most of what it has to deal with ever came into being. English was invented before the things that a large chunk of the words in it now to describe them came...
  3. Inkara1

    Deep thoughts from the peanut gallery

    One or two years ago, there was thsi guy around Paso Robles who was always panhandling and stuff. Thing is, construction was really booming in the area at that time and they'd hire anyone who wanted to help. Construction's about as feast-or-famine as an occupation can get, but at that time it...
  4. Inkara1

    My bed-capades

    My parents bought a Restonic a couple years ago. The mattress itself is really thick, and then it has that pillow-top thing on both sides. I'm 5'10" and my feet dangle off it, even with the special thin boxspring it came with.
  5. Inkara1

    I am using icq again

    I always have ICQ on when I'm online. I like ICQ's concept better, I'm comfortable with it, and it's nice being able to send several files at once, instead of one at a time. The ICQ spam does get a little annoying, but on the other hand it gives me good topic starters on bulletin boards. :D
  6. Inkara1

    Society influences our thoughts and beliefs

    Good idea. Dells all use Intel processors. :D
  7. Inkara1

    Is Mandrake 8 slow?

    Were older versions of Mandrake faster when doing the same things?
  8. Inkara1

    Gigger 'update' worm attacks hard drive

    It makes sense, since Microsoft can't know every e-mail address, and who uses OE, who uses the full Outlook, who uses Eudora, who uses Netscape Mail, etc., that updates wouldn't be sent in e-mail. But, it goes without saying to you, me, and other advanced computer users.A lot of the people who...
  9. Inkara1

    McCartney to lead Super Bowl heroes tribute

    (To clarify, patriotism in and of itself isn't bullshit. The vast majority of "patriots" these days are bullshitting, because it's the cool thing to do to be patriotic now. I've really had enough of all this newfound patriotism and all these American flags in places they've never been before...
  10. Inkara1

    McCartney to lead Super Bowl heroes tribute

    If you ask me, it's bullshit patriotism that never would have happened on September 10th.
  11. Inkara1

    Troy Aikman is finalizing his return to the NFL

    Yeah, he's suffering from Steve Young syndrome, except at least Steve Young is smart enough to say he's had enough concussions. I still think there should be a rule in the NFL that once you hit your 10th concussion, it's forced retirement time.
  12. Inkara1

    it's finally on the way ...

    You might like the journalism computer lab at Fresno State then, it has 20 or so blueberry iMacs in it.
  13. Inkara1

    Why all this computer power, and no applications that really need it?

    When my other system died, I needed one RIGHT NOW, and the T-bird 1.2 was the best price/performance tradeoff at the time. I could have gotten a cheaper processor, but I decided since I was being forced to get a new one I might as well get one that will last for a while. One side benefit is 350...
  14. Inkara1

    Comedy Room

    I have three heads, nine arms and 12 legs. What am I? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A liar! :D
  15. Inkara1

    Oakland 38 NY Jets 24

    Well, yesterday was an excellent time to start playing quality football!
  16. Inkara1

    Raiders collapsing

    Well, the Raiders paid them back yesterday. Foxboro, here we come! :D
  17. Inkara1

    Damn GM POS

    I'm not much of a fan of the Trans Sport, or any other car that you can't see the front corners of. My mom's '99 Taurus is like that, and whenever I drive it I feel like I'm going to hit something when I park it. You can see the end of the hood in buth the '81 Honda and the '62 Fairlane, so you...
  18. Inkara1

    Do you think this was a good verdict? A fair punishment?

    I think I'm too shocked to be able to have an opinion.
  19. Inkara1

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

  20. Inkara1

    New rig... (pics inside)

    You might notice better cooling if you cleaned it up in there.