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  1. Inkara1

    New HL2 release date!

    And the minimum OS required to run it wasn't released until 26 years after the game. :D
  2. Inkara1

    This would make a fun pet

    The giant camel spider of Iraq: Granted, the picture on that page shows two of them attached... but still, they're pretty big. I especially like the video of one killing and eating a scorpion.
  3. Inkara1


    My guess is that he's *this close* to graduating, and his teachers went on strike so now he can't finish his classes this term.
  4. Inkara1

    Anyone else having trouble updating Spybot?

    It seems to be giving me trouble right now too. It seems to have downloaded everything fine for me except the updated detections (740k), which is probably the most important thing.
  5. Inkara1

    UT2k4 demo out

    Putting off the taxes until the last minute, huh?
  6. Inkara1


    I'm guessing a strike... but otherwise, I don't know anything about it.
  7. Inkara1

    Food in sex...

    I've never had any problems with it.
  8. Inkara1

    A ride through a Ghost Town

    I dunno, dousing one with half a can of raid also seems to work pretty well. :D
  9. Inkara1

    A ride through a Ghost Town

    Oops, I misread. The dose of radiation listed to kill a human was over the course of 5 hours, and the amount of radiation the plant was putting out was listed over the course of one hour. So if the plant had a roach problem before, it didn't after. Not that roaches would be very high on the list...
  10. Inkara1

    A ride through a Ghost Town

    I found it interesting that it takes 100 times as much radiation to kill a cockroach as it does a man. The firefighters first on the scene when the reactor blew were zapped quickly, but the levels weren't high enough to kill any roaches in the area. I believe it, though.
  11. Inkara1

    Food in sex...

    The closest I have is spraying Reddi Whip on the girl, and we dipped strawberries in it and ate them, then I licked the Reddi Whip off of her.
  12. Inkara1

    Homemade food

    So you're saying the best way to get the board back on track is to create a thread about sex with food?
  13. Inkara1

    New scanner suggestions?

    Your UMAX isn't an Astra 610S, is it? Mine's gone belly-up, too. I suppose having it last from Christmas 1997 until a month or two ago is as good as I can expect from them.
  14. Inkara1

    Homemade food

    Depends. Have you been sitting on them constantly?
  15. Inkara1

    Homemade food

    Right now, I'm cooking up one of my staples: "sawdust" macaroni and cheese, with a can of drained tuna (in water, not oil) stirred in. It's like a poor man's tuna casserole.
  16. Inkara1

    Homemade food

    How much macaroni do you use?
  17. Inkara1

    Homemade food

    Ohh... that cheese mix sounds good :yum: I'm not sure how the flour would affect the taste though.
  18. Inkara1

    Homemade food

    What kind of cheese did you use?
  19. Inkara1

    What is protecting your puter?

    I'm still using NAV 2002 as well. My subscription has to be renewed every Ovtober, though. I use that and Spybot.
  20. Inkara1

    Mouse gets a new pad (and not of the absorbent kind)

    My dad has a trackball. It's OK, but I've always been a mouse man myself.