Search results

  1. A

    I need a smoke

    Not me, I should though...........You must be thinking of HomeLAN. DOOOOOHHHHH, I have two of those in the kitchen drawer :eh: completely forgot about them.
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    I need a smoke

    Damn, it took me a few minutes to find the new thread button :o So, I buy a $30,000 vehicle, and it doesn't even have a fucking cig lighter in it :mad: So I stop at a store to get a cheap pack of matches and they don't sell matches anymore. I get home and I was sure I had an extra...
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    Ok what do ya think?

    You people quit talking about your thingies :nono2:
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    Ok what do ya think?

    Looks great fury :cool: psssst, wanna do me a real cool 'electronics theme' template for my board? after vb3 is released of course
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    just... damn

    Don't feel alone. During my transition from Win2k to XP pro, the Outlook archive file I exported to my zip disk developed a hiccup and I lost all my contacts info when I imported it back. Fortunately all my emails are there.
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    My new website

    I would like to invite everyone to visit my new website. It's still in the development stages right now but I should have the basics down pretty soon. Please keep in mind this is a 'strictly business' site....with a little off behave yourselves :lurk:
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    Is it just me or... (OTC related)

    JJR isn't out, we're testing a new server.
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    Got some hardware to burn? Put it on Genome for Xi!

    I've turned my systems off again temporarily due to high utility bills.
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    The Friendly Skies........

    They'll probably be diverting every flight for unruly passengers :rolleyes:
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    Got some hardware to burn? Put it on Genome for Xi!

    I've had mine off since those storms rolled thru this past weekend. Forgot to turn them back on :retard:
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    piano/keyboard books

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    Hey Q

    Or maybe drivers ed :laugh:
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    piano/keyboard books

    Last year I bought a Casio keyboard from a co-worker and gave the keyboard to my son which he promptly gave it to one of his friends. I am now stuck with the following books: Instant keyboard, quick and easy instruction for the impatient student Author:Gary Meisner Piano for Dummies...
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    Curios Question

    Did that for a while myself before I got my RAID mobo's. It works :)
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    Curios Question

    Or you could get a RAID mobo which supports 8 IDE devices. I remember a discussion somewhere about having a cd-rom and a cd-rw on the same IDE channel. You'll get faster burns if you put them on seperate channels.
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    Got some hardware to burn? Put it on Genome for Xi!

    I asked the MIS guy at work if I could run the two puters in my office......NOPE :( DICKHEAD
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    Got some hardware to burn? Put it on Genome for Xi!

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    Got some hardware to burn? Put it on Genome for Xi!

    Since I've skipped one billing cycle on the utility bill, I restarted two of my machines this morning :)
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    Got some hardware to burn? Put it on Genome for Xi!

    yep, Utility bill was a little high last month :(