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  1. unclehobart these rules apply to you

    Whats wrong with using rice to brew beer? I kinda need them around since I'm allergic to the corn based ones. If you ditch all of the rice beers then I won't be able to drink. [ June 09, 2001: Message edited by unclehobart ]
  2. unclehobart

    Has anyone seen the movie......

    Heres the Roger Ebert review if you care to read it:
  3. unclehobart

    vulgarity abounds

    NE, I just ran it again. This time it called you f***face, not superd**k.
  4. unclehobart

    vulgarity abounds

    You should see what it does to JJR. The bulletin board became the 'mistress anal' board. what a hoot. It converts too much info around making the original message indecipherable.
  5. unclehobart

    76ers whipped the Lakers bad

    They went into overtime. How does that qualify as an ass whipping? Anytime a sport goes into overtime, that qualifies as a squeaker in my book.
  6. unclehobart

    Enable HTML you bastiches!

    1. Q's magic secret is that he is a SHE! 2. You can edit your posts as well. Just click on that little red crayon on paper icon to the upper right of each individual post. There may be a time limitation in which to act. It can be anywhere from a few minutes to 24 hours.
  7. unclehobart

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Its not 'work' Brain. Its whork. Defined as: (cough) masturbation, choking the chicken, waxing the dolphin, flogging the bishop, beating meat, shaking hands with mr. happy, beating on the bagpipes.
  8. unclehobart

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    We represent the lollipop guild,.. the lollipop guild,.. the lollipop guild,.. We represent the lollipop guiiiild! We welcome you to munchkin land.
  9. unclehobart

    Eyes or Heart? Your choice

    I'm too delicious for words either way. :D <pats self on back>
  10. unclehobart

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Right after I kick a few newborn puppies, we can whork up a storm to beat the band... 'cause I'm a real bastard :D
  11. unclehobart

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    ...'cept for me. .. I'm a real bastard. ;)
  12. unclehobart

    Morning heart attacks

    Not to mention that you go from deep sleep to sudden activity. That always startles the system.
  13. unclehobart

    Divine feces! Look at the Genome stats page!

    You mean he didn't actually burn 497 trillion in work units? :D Perhaps he was caching for a month with the national defense mainframe computer hub. I hear that sucker can turn a unit in .00003 seconds. [ June 05, 2001: Message edited by unclehobart ]
  14. unclehobart

    Fav Movie

    The 1952 version of Cyrano De'Bergerac with Jose Ferrer. (he won best actor that year) [ June 06, 2001: Message edited by unclehobart ]
  15. unclehobart

    I'm thinking of using DSL

    I have a 1.472 mps DSL connection and it rocks! You can do 10 times as much because you don't have to pause 30 seconds at every page loading. Its almost like switching channels on a TV set. Its sooooo good that I can't stand to use dial up services at all anymore when I am away from home. I...
  16. unclehobart

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Que te pas, Higashi?
  17. unclehobart

    Bad attitudes

    Agree and disagree. I know and work with a great deal of people who use steroids and the general consensus is that it slowly amplifies your personality for good or for bad... just like alcohol. If you are arleady an agressive individual, steroids turn you into a short fused dickhead. If you are...
  18. unclehobart


    These guys are on fire. Do they have what it takes to go all the way or is this just a fluke?
  19. unclehobart

    What do you think of the situation in Isreal

    All of the major powers should pull out and let them slip quietly back to the stone age. No more weapons... food... tourism... aid of any kind. They are all so determined to go backwards as fast as possible. Why should we stand in thier way?