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  1. fury

    Editorial about patriotism

    flavio, the entire pledge of allegiance was banned. Removing the "G" word should've satisfied the whiners barking for it, but no, they had to lose the whole damn thing. Makes me sick. I'm with Gonz. Don't obliterate the pledge of allegiance entirely, that thing has been there since forever.
  2. fury

    Editorial about patriotism

    I didn't read the editorial as mainly about separation of church and state, but more like total banishment of patriotism. Nowadays we can pretty much just sing a couple songs and wave a flag around. There's no more Pledge of Allegiance in schools, because it offends 2-3% of people who came from...
  3. fury

    I'm Back!!!

    You mean the request thread asking for backgrounds, right? I did post it and I did ask people to email you with them. But that thread was toasted along with a lot of posts between Feb 23rd and 28th :(
  4. fury


    Basically, if this new bill Senator Hollings is pushing passes, it will make constructing a home-built PC, using a pre-SSSCA computer, development of open-source software, and university and corporate research on systems, debugging, security, and watermarking ALL illegal, basically buttraping...
  5. fury

    Happy birthday, BigDadday!

    You're a year older. Congratulations :D Hope you have a good one, man. :hbd: :beerchug: :grin: :wave: :swing: :jump:
  6. fury

    I'm Back!!!

    Spirit! :sex: I'm gladder that you're back than anyone here :p
  7. fury

    Who is Karma?

    Q pitbull Registered: Sep 2000 Location: SRQ, FLA Posts: 2219 Karma: 885 :confused:
  8. fury

    A work of art

    It looks like the firefighter is cradling the flag as if it were a hurt bird. You know how those kinds of scenes go... person sees a hurt bird, person cradles hurt bird and cries, etc... That's how I saw it anyway. Very excellent work!
  9. fury

    Editorial about patriotism

    What this editorial is mainly about, I think, is that the minorities have gained control over what the majority of the U.S.'s population can do. The minority that doesn't believe in a supernatural being of some sort managed to get the Pledge of Allegiance out of schools, for example. This...
  10. fury

    Way to go Crapple!

    Here's to the iPod and how easy it makes pirating MS software :cocktail: :beerchug: :beer:
  11. fury

    My new rig overview......

    Looks nice here. The case is a nice one. I've got the SX1240 series from that line with a 400w. Overall a nice looking rig. What you gonna overclock that sumbitch to? :D
  12. fury


    The forums are only accessible by manually typing in URLs. etc which is also a pain in the ass.
  13. fury


    Glad to see you drop in this way once in a while ;)
  14. fury


    The DNS is screwed. The site is still intact, just not accessible, unless you change your DNS server to (I think that's what it is), which is quite a pain in the ass.
  15. fury

    Live on PPV

  16. fury


    Don't we all... :rolleyes:
  17. fury


    Penalty! :mad: :smash:
  18. fury

    ANyone know what I posted this past week?

    from what I recall, you mostly showed us some very nice 3d renderings ;)
  19. fury

    Hi Betty

    That's three words, technically. :retard:
  20. fury

    Hi Betty

    If there's one thing wrong with the world today, it's that people are pussies. Like you, Winky. You find no intelligent words to back up your opinion that XiBase Sucks, so you resort to spamming those two words, in a channel that is not even related to XiBase's, except for the fact that I...