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  1. Professur


    Christopher or Sabrina. Subject to change, but not likely to.
  2. Professur

    Abortion: Amoral, or necessary evil?

    If a kid breaks my window, I can go after his parents for damages. Likewise, if a fine is dictated for any criminal charge, the parents are liable. Why sould this be any different? BTW I didn't single out the boy's family. Both parents were lax.
  3. Professur


    Well, the verdict is in, and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . It's a single. At 35 weeks, estimated weight is over 6lbs. Birth weight will be between 8.5 and 9lbs. Wife doesn't know wether to laugh, cry, or kill me, but she's keeping her options open. BTW head...
  4. Professur

    Abortion: Amoral, or necessary evil?

    Gonz, you might wanna reread what I wrote. I never said anything about licensing. I mentioned parental responsablility. I mentioned an existing law about under age sex. I mentionned enforcing that law. I mentioned that parents of pregnant minors should be investigated for neglect, or...
  5. Professur

    Abortion: Amoral, or necessary evil?

    hey Unc, here's an idea. instead of licensing, drugs, and all that crap, how about we make the parents RESPONSIBLE!!! The kids have sex and get knocked up ... parents do time for failure to prevent statutory rape? Maybe that'll help motivate the parents to control their kids? Here's another...
  6. Professur


    is that permission
  7. Professur

    Abortion: Amoral, or necessary evil?

    My opinions on this are well enough known that I'm not going to inflict my manifesto on the membership yet again. One word : Murder. 'Nuff said.
  8. Professur

    Looks like I won't be getting DSL.

    I can't get it either. And "never will in that area". and I work of a sub of the friggen phone company too.:mad: :banghead:
  9. Professur

    Adoption is Final!!

    What Homey said. Not to get off topic, but is that your spread in the photo? Nice digs. So how did Jr. take it?
  10. Professur


    If you have to ask, I'm probably not here.
  11. Professur

    Hi everyone, I'm brainsoft

    I would just like to point out that I had **** all to do with managing this place then, now, or anytime in the foreseeable future.
  12. Professur

    For those who have trouble cleaning out their hard drives

    Hey, I've got one of those drives.
  13. Professur

    Je suis supersounds of the 70s

    What Q said. Give the frog a break already. :rolleyes:
  14. Professur

    Ouch, that hurts the economy doesn't it???

    It's a real bitch trying to format 4 hard drives at the same time.
  15. Professur

    Oh the weather outside is frightful ....

    It snowed here last night.
  16. Professur

    Congrats to my new co-mod!!

    And now you find out just how empty a title can really be.
  17. Professur


    But once it get's there, it is charging?
  18. Professur

    I miss you, Q

    I guess the rest of us are just chopped liver, eh?
  19. Professur

    There ...

    So where's Ku? Or are you hiding from her?