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  1. Gonzo

    Retailers replacing VHS movies with DVDs

    Seems a little premature.
  2. Gonzo

    the Periodic Table as a table

    too much time on his hands
  3. Gonzo

    Super String Theory

    in simple form, with advanced sections :confused:
  4. Gonzo

    The FBI vs Lenny Bruce

    He's tame by comparrison of today's comics, but in his heyday, he was so raunchy the Feds belived him a danger to society. Read the freedon of information files here
  5. Gonzo

    Miscellaneous Links:

    identify trees by their leaves
  6. Gonzo

    A few legal spots.....
  7. Gonzo


    where are ya & where ya been boy?
  8. Gonzo

    Driver knocks two off Oakland Bay Bridge

    now see, if he lived in the South Bay, the water would be about 68 & so silty you'd float with no effort :D
  9. Gonzo

    Thief can't resist lure of whiskey, passes out

    Does insurance cover stolen liquor?
  10. Gonzo

    Too little, too late

    Ugh, lemme think......NO!!!
  11. Gonzo

    Seat belt laws

    If they wouldn't make left hand turns from the right lane in front of my big truck, there'd be no need for the jaws of life. If you dig real hard you'll find almost as many whose life was spared for not wearing the belt. My kid is forced to wear one by the state & his parents.
  12. Gonzo

    Whose got the emails

    I only get porn spam in mine :(
  13. Gonzo

    We suck, you win

  14. Gonzo

    YOU are not important enough

    unless you are a trained first-responder, you don't qualify for a smallpox vaccination, per the Feds advisory panel...
  15. Gonzo

    Forest Employee Charged in Wildfires

    boy are they pissed
  16. Gonzo

    Dog Attack Judge Orders New Trial

  17. Gonzo

    Down that slippery slope

    it's good to see our Supreme Court continue to uphold individuals over the state
  18. Gonzo

    Stupid question about AGP aperature size

    "they" will tell you to set it to half your system memory, but I run mine at 32 with no problems
  19. Gonzo

    Andersen Convicted of Obstruction

    You're right HomeLAN, it does matter. My query should have read, will it make a difference? :shrug: