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  1. Fuser Man


    LOL :laugh:
  2. Fuser Man

    Chasing Amy

    Dogma was a good movie too!:thup:
  3. Fuser Man

    Somethin' just ain't right with that boy

    The world is back to normal! As soon as we got home today Jake saw the pez on the table, opened it up and it was gone in a minute.
  4. Fuser Man

    Chasing Amy

    Ya, well while you're waiting for this movie, I'm waiting for the new Jamiroquai album to come out over here. Thank god for MP3's or I would have ordered the CD through HMV UK.
  5. Fuser Man

    Sold to the highest bidder.

    Has anyone ever noticed how most of the time people over bid on something at an online auction. It just amazes me. Why not do abit of research and get it cheaper. I've been looking at some computer stuff on a Canadian aution site. People are bidding $45 (plus $8 in shipping) for a keyboard...
  6. Fuser Man

    One word post

  7. Fuser Man

    One word post

  8. Fuser Man

    One word post

  9. Fuser Man

    One word post

  10. Fuser Man


    Would you do her?
  11. Fuser Man

    One word post

  12. Fuser Man

    One word post

  13. Fuser Man

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hey Howdy Hey! :wave:
  14. Fuser Man


    CP24 (it's our local 24 hour station)up here. We do get CNN and Headline News but I don't care what's happenin' in you neck of the woods. :p :D
  15. Fuser Man

    Chasing Amy

    I didn't know that Jay and Silent Bob were in that movie. Learn something new everyday. BTW, I can't wait for Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back to come out.
  16. Fuser Man


    I'm the only one here and I'm out number by guests. I hope they're cute.:sex: :whip: :;):
  17. Fuser Man

    Somethin' just ain't right with that boy

    Ya he's fine. No high temp or anything like that.
  18. Fuser Man

    Six Feet Under

    It's only on TMN.
  19. Fuser Man

    Neo is in the hospital

    :( Hope everything turns out okay.
  20. Fuser Man

    Somethin' just ain't right with that boy

    He loves his freezes (or eezes as he says) too. He eats 5 or 6 in row. I normally don't like giving him candy, but I got him sugar free Pez.