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  1. Gonzo

    Samsung DVD player

    thanks Inky, I remember when people should run from Samsung, now they are decent low end products. My biggest question was about the Nuon...
  2. Gonzo

    Roll Call

    Here & accounted for
  3. Gonzo

    Just thought I would share....

    Short? Hell, my wife is 5'0 1/2, you're towering over some :D
  4. Gonzo

    Happy birthday DP

    :hbd: DaklPrincess, you naughty girl, er, wimins :wave:
  5. Gonzo


    until they are touched by my hands who cares if they are real...they look soooooooo good :sex:
  6. Gonzo

    Time to re-think Physics

    A story (actually a sideline) in the USA Today on Thursday 07/18/02 said that in an upcoming "Physical Review Letters" journal, Australian Nat'l U researchers report that a tiny bead, one micron (0.00004 inch) across, when dragged through some liquid, broke the 2nd law of physics. Sometimes...
  7. Gonzo

    Do I have a chance?

    as long as you remember that whass'er name marred Lyle Lovett, everyone has a shot at everyone else:D
  8. Gonzo

    Lindh Decides To Plead Guilty

    because Treason was out of the question & there were no living, viable witnesses against him.
  9. Gonzo

    Nice virus

    If I understood a story on the news yesterday correctly, YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO HIT THE .EXE be very careful with this one
  10. Gonzo

    Robin Williams on HBO

    :roflmaopmp: I haven't laughed that hard since, hmmm, live at the Met. For all you young pups, watch his special tonight & find out how what amateurs Dana Carvey or Adam Sandler are...
  11. Gonzo

    Well it has come to an end

    just remember, they don't kow what your title is so, you don't need to do nuthin'
  12. Gonzo

    original food fight thread

    *while they're all looking down females clothes I load the SUPERGONZO SUPERTANKER with tomato sauce & star fruit & begin spraying the lot of ya*
  13. Gonzo

    New Trailers

    The STar Trek movie actually looks interesting. The best scenes are probably in the trailer. T3-I loved 1 & 2, what else could the terminator do, come back & make more babies with Sarah? actually, kill John? become a maid? I'm looking forward to it with trepidation.
  14. Gonzo

    Why is it...? (video memory oc question)

    28.40 thru (just installed) 30.30...Dx8.1
  15. Gonzo

    New Trailers

    T3-teaser- DareDevil- Star Trek-Nemesis-
  16. Gonzo

    Soyo K7VTA-Pro

    upped it a little more, lowered the voltage to 1.70 & it's actually running cooler than at 14xx, whatever it was
  17. Gonzo

    Bridge Commander

    got it...beat it in First Officer mode...beat it, except for the last mission in Captain mode...Admiral mode is irritating. decent graphics, too short on programmed missions, for the price.
  18. Gonzo

    Why is it...? (video memory oc question)

    that whenever I screw around with the memory clock settings on either of my nVidias, my screen size gets all fuxored? Literally too big to do anything. I have to count tab hits to get it to resize because i can't get down to that point. all windows are HUGE and it's impossible to see anything...
  19. Gonzo

    Is Ted Kazinski's place for rent or sale

    oh, it'll apear here-my bet is by X-mas, if not before