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  1. BigDadday

    Intelligent Discussion time

    OK time for a curve ball coming at you or us. If God is so great and loving and forgiving then why has he let all of the people on earth down? We have homeless,sickness,wars,crimes etc and now you will tell me that this is our test between good and evil but I really don't buy that. I think...
  2. BigDadday

    Canada sends in its navy to help the war effort

    :D Thnx Neighbor,BD
  3. BigDadday

    help needed

    Uh your name won't do?:D:wave:
  4. BigDadday

    This is funny.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: nice one!
  5. BigDadday

    I Pledge Allegiance

    let's just get thru the days first;).
  6. BigDadday

    I Pledge Allegiance

    OK now that is cool!
  7. BigDadday

    Intelligent Discussion time

    Believe in yourself and that will be half the battle.BD:D
  8. BigDadday

    I Pledge Allegiance

    Careful the next thing we may start doingis making all these chuches pay taxes as well so we can get some of the money they are hoarding and sending back to Rome etc.;)
  9. BigDadday

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    L8 again but welcome,:wave:
  10. BigDadday

    FuserMan...any job openings?

    Heck post the addy we all can get together at work as well then.:D
  11. BigDadday

    I Pledge Allegiance

    Oh yes I do. I also think they are also good to wake people up from all of the years of the tail wagging the dog and have people start to have priorites once again.
  12. BigDadday

    Intelligent Discussion time

    I'm a catholic who doesn't really follow the religion anymore but why is it when we have a tradgedy or loss of a loved one we turn to "God" and ask why? I know it's a time of being really in a state of shock but to get to the point I think there Has to be something and maybe it's like the old...
  13. BigDadday

    Canadian Officer

    I'm speaking from me but I think he could enter our country and have a job with no problems if he so wanted. BD
  14. BigDadday

    I Pledge Allegiance

    No not taking it as such just am also wondering myself why we are trying to be so politicaly correct in this country when things are and will be changing for all of us. Fact is the bit about Cinci.Ohio is a disgrace as well. We have more important things to be worried about other than them...
  15. BigDadday

    Canadian Officer

    Just heard on the news about a Canadian officer who came down with his canine and helped rescue a person from the WTC was suspended from his job because his "boss" wasn't told. What a load of crap and hope I hear who he is and where this heroic man is from.:mad:
  16. BigDadday

    I feel sad

    Did you mention the name of this flick that left you in such a sad state?:cry:
  17. BigDadday

    What's your porn name?

    For when it gets to messy guys.:D
  18. BigDadday

    I Pledge Allegiance

    Agreed Gonzo but I often wonder if people who do believe in God as I do stop and ask them selves if there is a heaven for christians,protestants,jews,arabs,whatever?It makes me think that we all will go to one place wqhen the time comes and that place is as good a guess as anyones but if you...
  19. BigDadday

    I Pledge Allegiance

    As the saying goes Tex."Out of the mouth of babes" How true and God bless us all,BD
  20. BigDadday

    What's your porn name?

    Joe Stonecrest Oh well!