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  1. HomeLAN

    Name that (movie) quote

    Donald Sutherland as the tank commander in "Kelly's Heroes".
  2. HomeLAN

    I thought I was computer stupid.

    I don't need one at work that bad.
  3. HomeLAN

    I thought I was computer stupid.

    I asked to do that, but was told I couldn't put a personal piece of hardware in my work machine.
  4. HomeLAN

    I thought I was computer stupid.

    Yes. Most of the computers at my office. I have to go home to listen to any wav files.
  5. HomeLAN

    Neo is in the hospital

    Aw, man. Please give him warm wishes from Atlanta, and please keep us posted on what's going on.
  6. HomeLAN

    Somethin' just ain't right with that boy

    Is he feeling OK?
  7. HomeLAN

    Where are you?

    +33.933367, -084.464384 Great site, Unc.
  8. HomeLAN

    Check out this case

    Looks like a toaster on steroids.
  9. HomeLAN

    What time is it?

    OK, Fuser, what proggies are running in the background? Some 3rd party software can cause this, especially Norton AV. I doubt this is the issue, since it's happening at start-up, but let's give it a look before we disable Advanced Power Management in the BIOS (which would be our next step).
  10. HomeLAN

    What time is it?

    [Mr. Spock] Fascinating [/Mr. Spock] That's the issue 99% of the time in my experience. You may have me stumped, here. Lemme research. BTW, sarcasm is not the way to get continued help. Some people... :D
  11. HomeLAN

    What time is it?

    Windows is resetting to the time in your BIOS everry time you fire it up. As you turn the machine on, hit the delete key to get inot your BIOS set-up. The time should be on the very first screen, and I'm betting it's wrong. Change it to the right time, save settings and exit. Your problem...
  12. HomeLAN

    I just had the worst dream of my life

    Whatever you had for lunch, don't repeat the meal experience.
  13. HomeLAN


    Whoops! Skip what I said about the firewall part. Wish I was home where I could open mine! Just get rid of the space.
  14. HomeLAN


    Get rid of the space between .edu and port. NOT the block, just the space. Insert a "=n" without the quotes, after the word firewall. Save it and try again.
  15. HomeLAN


    Jopes is correct.
  16. HomeLAN


    I know. You caught me while I was editing.
  17. HomeLAN


    Give us a screenshot of the ghclient file (the one with the notepad symbol, right above ghclient.exe). That's the one I was talking about.
  18. HomeLAN


    OK. Close G@H. Open ghclient.cfg using notepad. Confirm the entry "" (without the quotes). If that isn't what it says after host, change it to that, and save the file. Reopen G@H. If that is what it already says, post a screenshot of your ghclient.cfg file in...
  19. HomeLAN

    Daddy whaz that?

    A lot of folks make them. I don't mess with raid much, so someone else will have to recommend a good card. Since you're a bit of a beginner, I might recommend that you stay away from raid for now. CD-RW's like to be the master on whatever IDE channel they are on, and putting a CD drive on...
  20. HomeLAN


    It means: 1) you're not on-line, or 2) something's wrong in your ghclient.cfg file, or 3) G@H servers are down. I'm betting 3, since they were down most of yesterday and the night before. They seem to be back up now, though. Can you try again?