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  1. Fuser Man

    squooshy keyboard

    I bookmarked that site the other day. They are sweet lookin' keyboards.:thup:
  2. Fuser Man

    Air Canada Center Cam

    Hee hee oops! I copied the wrong link. :retard: Thanks DJcake!:thup:
  3. Fuser Man

    Air Canada Center Cam

    This is cool! You can see inside The Air Canada Center 24h a day. Just too bacd it's not live action, then we could watch the concerts for free. :D
  4. Fuser Man

    Chasing Amy

    Not even the US has this album yet. Only available in the UK.
  5. Fuser Man

    Hey Canucks-Be Proud of your Women Artists

    Also, speaking of Canadian women. Our University womens basketball team beat the US womens team yesterday. It's the first time EVER that any Canadian womens team has defeated the US.
  6. Fuser Man

    Hey Canucks-Be Proud of your Women Artists

    We have one who is being charged for insider trading in the U.S. Here's a link to the full story.
  7. Fuser Man

    Randy Johnson is King

    Last night I watched the highlights of when Johnson pitched. Sad to see him strike out 16 guys and still lose the game.
  8. Fuser Man

    For those who hate Bill Gates

    You might get a laugh out of this.
  9. Fuser Man

    Take out - online

    I just tried out two on-line food delivery sites today. The first one is and the other one is called Gofood. For lunch I ordered subs. For dinner I had Greek food and my wife had Indian food. Anyone in the GTA should give it a shot.
  10. Fuser Man

    Just so you guys know

    You miss understood. What I'm saying is if you buy a lottery ticket, you're giving the government money, hense "voluntary tax". I know we don't pay tax on lottery winning and we don't pay tax on any prizes (car, house, boat, stereo....) because we have to answer a skill testing question.
  11. Fuser Man

    Just so you guys know

    Lottery tickets = voluntary tax. I give enough money to the government, I'll be damned if I'm going to give them more.
  12. Fuser Man

    The truth behind the monkey dance

    They wouldn't be the jokes posted on this site would they? :p :D
  13. Fuser Man

    New 3dfx drivers

    I got me one of them. Voodoo3 2000 I think. My wife bought me it for Christmas last year. She paid way too much($150CND). That's what happens when women buy computer stuff.
  14. Fuser Man

    How many times have you cooked, fried, crushed, crumbled, etc. your CPU?

    I've only ever change a sound card, video card, CD rom, modem, network card and a power supply. Can't screw that up.
  15. Fuser Man

    The truth behind the monkey dance

    Someone had one too many cups of coffee, that or he just got some back stage.
  16. Fuser Man

    GWB-Hey Canada-pthththtthtttt

    This was in todays Toronto Star.
  17. Fuser Man

    Doh, Canada

    I thought this was funny.
  18. Fuser Man

    Cross-forum post, need advice soon

    Here's my mouse. I love it! Only cost me $20.
  19. Fuser Man

    Name that (movie) quote

    It was Cypher who said "Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?"
  20. Fuser Man

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hey howdy hey! :wave: