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  1. Professur

    Make love not war!

    All aboard that train.
  2. Professur

    I finally got a burner

    How the hell do you burn 900Mb on a CDR?
  3. Professur

    Back to the future?

    How? What's so important about Dallas, November '63?
  4. Professur

    I finally got a burner

    You're not gonna get anything faster than 52X CDRW. No point. Any development will be in DVD-R and DVD-RW. Let's face it. How fast do you really need to burn 700M?
  5. Professur


    While standing at the chas at a local (three rivers) discount store, I noticed the cheapo software rack. Not one to pass up a bargain, I took a minute to browse. Lo and behold, not only did I find some really crappy games, but a full copy of an operating system. Caldera OpenLinux 2.4 eDesktop...
  6. Professur

    XP Still??

    I've seen USB controlled speakers. But never the sound exiting the USB port.
  7. Professur

    Happy meals aint what they used to be

    And a ripoff at that. But it kept the kiddies quiet.
  8. Professur

    Happy meals aint what they used to be

    This weeks POS toy is the Inspector Gadget II nightlight. What shit. Anyone else remember when the happy meal came in a box instead of a paper bag?
  9. Professur

    Is it just me or... (OTC related)

    If you go to you can see the new logo. The rest in stuck in the teleport buffer.
  10. Professur

    Wow. UPS has a new look.

    You have a logo?
  11. Professur

    original food fight thread

    * tosses limp celery at Squiggy as he walks in the door *
  12. Professur

    original food fight thread

    * holds rotten lettuce up on his shoulder * Look Ma. Siamese twins.
  13. Professur

    What the hell

    We're not having Tuesday next week. It was voted too silly, so we're going straight to Wed, 2 april.
  14. Professur

    Make love not war!

    Whip, SQ, not flop. What is it with women these days. I mean, what is it about the sound of a guy's penis hitting his kneecap that makes a woman suddenly remember her sister's birthday party? I just don't get it. And what's with the omigod, omigod, omigod as they're leaving? Am I missing...
  15. Professur

    original food fight thread

    But the rock hard ones shatter into shrapnel on impact. See? * flings rock hard Timbits at Gato. Now the fresh ones squish better * squishes a box full of jelly filled 'bits over Nixy's head. Class dismissed. * runs out of range.
  16. Professur


    'one of us is gonna get in trouble for this, y'know.
  17. Professur

    original food fight thread

    * Slips on floor, pulling down Les and Nixy into the slimy mess. OMG, you're both wearing white shirts.
  18. Professur


    Never heard a woman complaining about having something eating at her before.
  19. Professur

    original food fight thread

    THIS MEANS WAR * slam dunks a bowl of trifle over Leslie's head How dare you insult the good name of tripe.
  20. Professur

    original food fight thread

    Um, cow stomach is food. You might have even heard of it. It's called Tripe.