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  1. br0ck

    Fear, go buy some more tissues!

    For goodness sakes SSPanda! You sound like you a person that tripped over a dollar to pick up a penny!
  2. br0ck

    Woman drives home from shopping in someone else's car

    jeez, you'd think she'd notice being in that rice burner!
  3. br0ck

    One word post

  4. br0ck

    Now this is really weird......

    I think what you all need is to see "bikini" from OCN again.
  5. br0ck

    One word post

  6. br0ck

    Picture found on camera in rubble at WTC site...

    Let me also say, I've personally never visited the WTC towers, but from 2 friends of mine that have, they said that the observation decks are INSIDE. They both agreed that this has to be a fake cause there is no way this guy could of been outside. Now, the Empire State Building has an outside...
  7. br0ck

    Picture found on camera in rubble at WTC site...

    I know the 2nd plane was banking left into the South tower, but there is one video that shows the first plane was in fact level or closely to it when it hit the north tower. Now where did I see it at.
  8. br0ck

    Picture found on camera in rubble at WTC site...

    I have my doubts too, but look at where the sun is hitting that man's face. It is on his left side of his face. Since it was morning when the attacks took place, that means that to his back is North. The first plane did come into the North tower from the north side of the building. We also...
  9. br0ck

    Leafs win!

    You're a good man!
  10. br0ck

    play it

    WTG intellipoint mouse! 28,500 the first try!
  11. br0ck

    Beer Question?

    yummy, guinness!
  12. br0ck

    Confusing Sunday in the NFL so far

    WOO-HOOO!! BROWNS WIN! BROWNS WIN! I don't know how many more times it will happen this year!
  13. br0ck

    Leafs win!

    LOL, guess you never played in Lambeau Feild.
  14. br0ck

    Waaaahhoooooo!!!!!!!! Its the weekend.....

    Yep Gonzo, time to hit the grindstone again! But the next weekend is just around the corner! :D
  15. br0ck

    One word post

    (new sentence) Xibase
  16. br0ck

    Plane controversy ... of another sort.

    well, tickets are by seat and not by person, so charge that fat ass 2 seats!
  17. br0ck

    Afghani View

    lol, nice find gonzo, lol! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. br0ck

    Happy Birthday, tko97

    Yep, have a happy birthday!!
  19. br0ck

    Neo, I didn't know you had a band?

    Anyone else have any success stories on how they made it big, or better yet, pics of when they made it big?
  20. br0ck

    One word post
