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  1. Nixy

    Blondes, Brunettes Or Redheads?

    I prefer dirty blond or brown w/ blond streaks. I'll answer for brainsoft too: He prefers redheads. I am brunette though and he still loves me so all is good!
  2. Nixy

    BESIDES SEX, Name 3 Favorite Summer Activities.

    Sex, sex and sex :D Nah, for real they woudl have to be: -Picnics -Barbeques -Swimming -Walking into a cold air conditioned house after walking or hiking outsode for hours Ok so that's four! I couldn't decide!
  3. Nixy


    School next year. I'm not into gaming or anything like that (except the SIMS). I need something to run XP on, atleast a 14" screen and it has to be faster than my current computer (Celeron 400 w/ 192 mB RAM). I am hopefully looking for about a 1.6GHz processor.
  4. Nixy

    What do you buy...

    *scratches chin* You have another PM
  5. Nixy


    I am going to be buying a laptop within the next couple of months. I was just wondering if anybody had any suggestions as to specific components I should looks for or steer away from?
  6. Nixy

    Custom Case Almost Done - Large Images™

    How old of parts are you looking for?
  7. Nixy

    New stuff for my walls

    Beautiful! I set the waterfall one you bought as my wallpaper!
  8. Nixy

    Updated Kitten Pics... 2 weeks old tommorrow

    They are SO cute! My cousins cat had kittens in the fall, I saw them the day they were born and they were absolutely adorable! It is so fun to watch something like that grow.
  9. Nixy

    To Tony and Marcia Dooley

    I heard she already go tbeat her firat day in jail! She deserves that and more! I hope they stick a spiky post so far up both of their asses that neither can ever sit again!
  10. Nixy

    Forum infighting

    I think he was refering to Krusty in that part of the post actually....
  11. Nixy

    Forum infighting

    I do get VERY tired os useless bs but even more tired of tins and tons of alteregos who I don't know who they are. GRRR!
  12. Nixy

    Taking Off

    I'm going to take off for awhile. I'm not leaving for good, I'll prolly come back sometime. For right now though I am going to leave. I'll still be on ICQ and I still have e-mail if anyone wants to contact me. I'll see y'all around.
  13. Nixy

    The neighbor from hell

    OMG! That guy is nuts!
  14. Nixy

    Cartoons ...

    Na: I believe that it is in the thread about being still open for business I don't remember the exact title of the thread but there is a post by you that says sometimes about strawberry shortcake right in the middle of a convo about beer.
  15. Nixy

    I will be Gone

  16. Nixy

    I will be Gone

    Where did fury go? We should make him a cheese cake for a welcome back present whenever he comes back.
  17. Nixy

    English is a hard language to learn

    yeah, I wasn't implying that it was because of how the language is structured or whatever. Someone could have changed it since then if they wanted.
  18. Nixy

    keyboard crud

    No because then he will have an excuse.
  19. Nixy

    original food fight thread

    OW! Those fruit loops hurt! *squirts purple and green ketchup on Q*
  20. Nixy

    original food fight thread

    *sobs uncontrollably* *lugs in a 10 foot wheel of gouda cheese* Will you allie with me now? Pretty please?