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  1. Fuser Man

    Intelligent Discussion time

    Touchy subject here, but no I do not believe that there is a god.
  2. Fuser Man

    original food fight thread

    a really old bad joke Why is Sprite NASA's official drink? 'Cause they couldn't get 7up. Ummmm 7up and Reeses. Give me more! Chucks 5 year old nasty halloween candies that nobody ever eats. (you know the ones I talking about, the nasty sh*t brown toffee ones)
  3. Fuser Man

    Fury IS #1.

    Which one, Getting a life or working when I'm at work. About 60% of my posts come from work.
  4. Fuser Man

    I saw Fury at the ACC

  5. Fuser Man

    original food fight thread

    Pours prune juice over Gonzo's head to help wash down the deep fried Q. (BTW this is post #300 in the food fight)
  6. Fuser Man

    original food fight thread

    :evillaff: :evillaff: Muwahahahahahah:evillaff: :evillaff:
  7. Fuser Man

    Fury IS #1.

    Out of the ten posters Fury has the Highest post per day average at 22.23. I be #2 at 14.78.
  8. Fuser Man

    original food fight thread

    Throws Q into a vat of canola oil, deep frys her and serves her to Gonzo with month old jello.
  9. Fuser Man

    original food fight thread

    You don't seem to understand, this is not real cheese but fake cheese in a spray can. There for it can get past your sad excuse of a force field. So take that Mrs.Smartypants!
  10. Fuser Man

    The Dragon....

    If we're going for looks on a mobo, I like this one. MSI K&T Turbo Limited Edition
  11. Fuser Man

    The Dragon....

    What's that small board?
  12. Fuser Man

    original food fight thread

    I just be likin' that up baby. fills Q's shoes with canned cheese spray.
  13. Fuser Man


    A great big bag of nothing.
  14. Fuser Man


    He'll post here if you ask a legit computer question. I think I remember him saying he doesn't like wasting his time on useless topics. Although I could be wrong.
  15. Fuser Man

    Those $%^&*@#$ at Starbucks will do anything to make a buck

    Time to layith the sackith down on someones candy ass.
  16. Fuser Man

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Does he watch MUCHMUSIC? I know, bad joke.
  17. Fuser Man

    Best (FASTEST) SCSI disk drive?

    The ones that spin really fast.
  18. Fuser Man

    Weird moire-like patterns on my new monitor

    Sure you do!:D
  19. Fuser Man

    original food fight thread

    Grabs well done steak off Prof's plate and smacks Q up side the head with it. Hooks Fury up to Diet coke I.V.
  20. Fuser Man

    A bit of humour for our xibase family!

    :thup: I like it DA.