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  1. BigDadday

    Time 4 a LOL
  2. BigDadday

    Get your metal name here

    WTF Billy Gorge and I gave the name Big Dadday lololol
  3. BigDadday

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Must admit it's different,:wave:
  4. BigDadday

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: and welcome Winky,:beerchug:
  5. BigDadday

    Office workers warned not to photocopy bums at Christmas parties

    :lol: :lol: :lol: We have a bunch of butts at my place that I don't want to see let alone think of,BD
  6. BigDadday

    Good News I Think!

    Well I found out the results of The MRI and except for the surgeon giving me a heart attack when he looked at it and said "Jesus Christ" it is good news. I have not torn or ripped any cartilage etc. BUT! What I did do and that's why the JC was he told me and I already knew was I smashed my bones...
  7. BigDadday

    It never ends!

    Lcky I guess as my left knee would not go into the gizmo that would hold it so I had to go to another place for an open mRI. Hey they told me the cost was $1,200.00 for one of those. WOW!
  8. BigDadday

    tell me the worst thing about 2001

    Sorry to hear that Fuse but you were looking for a job when you landed that one so just keep looking and here's hoping you get one that pays more,less hours,and an expense account;). Me as you've read I've had my problems and am careful what I'm typing now as it may become a legal matter if...
  9. BigDadday

    It never ends!

    Man anyone ever have an MRI? They are hades. Lying still in one position for 1 hour and hating it. Will find out the results friday.:)
  10. BigDadday

    It never ends!

    Well got up at 7am and was all hyped up about this MRI and when I went to get it my left knee was too large to fit into the apparatus so I could go into the machine.:( Now have a new appointment in a few hours at another place that doesn't need the leg gizmo. Open MRI is what it is now.John:scared:
  11. BigDadday

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: and welcome,
  12. BigDadday

    This is for Outlaw69

    Taken care of now :D,BD:rolleyes: :smash: :wave:
  13. BigDadday

    This is for Outlaw69

    LOL I've been had cuz the oCN I saw earlier was the forum that was closed.hahahaha:smash: :smash:
  14. BigDadday


    I'll have a ROOT BEER and some Swiss Cheese please!
  15. BigDadday

    Bid on a night with the Flurffmeister™

    Need we say we love you;).
  16. BigDadday

    ``IT'' is a scooter.

    LOL I can see it now the cops on bikes having camcorders mounted on their bikes so they can show the court that you were weaving in and out of traffic and causing alarm etc etc etc.
  17. BigDadday

    Is it really that bad?

    If you want to really floor her tell your wife to wear a different t-shirt underneath it and when she doe tell her to whip it off in front of her and ask her if she really wanted it so badly she could have it. *evil*:D
  18. BigDadday

    ``IT'' is a scooter.

    Well I guess you can get the 5000 one that would have a lil basket and red horn on it.:)
  19. BigDadday

    Why is it ...

    Well when you first get together it's the family thing. Her parents and then yours. Finally after the birth of a grandchild you can start your own traditions and have your holidays at your own place. My thoughts on it!
  20. BigDadday


    Actually Krusty your more than right. I still have both of them and just a small set back compared to some who lose a leg etc. I am a positive thinker just wish my employers were. BD