Search results

  1. wine4all

    I found this quite amusing!

    Good one DA! One of my favorites is the Dilbert where you see a guy in a cubicle talking on the phone to tech support with a pile of computer parts in front of him. The voice balloon from the telephone (tech support person) says... "OK I think I see what the problem is now... Try this... Put...
  2. wine4all

    Call me "behind the times" but...

    Hey, I thought it came from the movie "Johnny Dangerously" along with "You fargin icehole!" You kids will get detention if you are caught plagarizing (or spelling poorly). :p
  3. wine4all

    Additional Member Titles

    Spirit, sometimes in life the funniest things also happen to be true... and I figure it can't hurt to advertise now that I am single again! Woohoo!!! Everybody sing along... "Ding Dong the #itch is dead... The wicked #itch... The pyscho #itch... Ding Dong the psycho #itch from Hell!" :D
  4. wine4all


    I am an amateur wine maker and would be happy to discuss winemaking with anyone who does or is interested in making wine. My speciality is Ports and Cream Sherry, but I have made many wines from Apple to Zinfandel and am willing to share my experiences. Cheers!
  5. wine4all

    What'll it be, Mac?

    Nobody has posted here yet so I am going to have a crack at a virgin for the first time in my life!!! Everybody post your favorite: 1) Wine 2) Liquor 3) Beer 4) Mixed Drink Mine is: 1) Sterling Vineyards Merlot 2) Glen Morangie Port Wood Finish 3) Bass Pale Ale 4) Martini: Gin, dry...
  6. wine4all

    What is your favorite distro, desktop environment and applications?

    RE: The voice application for linux... I am investigating Kphonecenter but it is not available in an RPM and when I ran ./configure after unzipping the tarball it said I was missing "libz..." Any idea what package I need to install to get "libz"?
  7. wine4all

    What is your favorite distro, desktop environment and applications?

    You're right Konqueror is faster than the 0.8 version of Mozilla I was using. I just downloaded and installed the 0.91 version of Mozilla and it is much better but still slightly slower than Konqueror. Tonight, however, I am using it because when I tried to get into xibase with Konqueror I...
  8. wine4all

    Software - Linux

    This is a good resource for RPM's: ...for those of us who are newbies and still timid about compiling source code. :eek:
  9. wine4all

    Software - Linux

    This is the Linux Hardware Database on Zdnet:
  10. wine4all

    Morning heart attacks

    Hey Gonzo! Is that Haiku in your signature or what??? Next thing you know you'll be eating Sushi!
  11. wine4all

    Additional Member Titles

    Wait a minute! Isn't it redundant to have "aka"'s for our display names which are also (by definition) "aka"'s??? :rolleyes: Are we trying to avoid being ID'd by the FBI, CIA or some other TLA (Three Letter Acronym)???
  12. wine4all

    Review of RedHat 7.1

    Looking good! I noticed you get some reflections in the install pics that I can almost make out what is behind you... so for subliminal purposes I would suggest you put a naked woman behind you when taking these pictures, hehehehe. Might increase read time. Gotta go now, Neo just showed up...
  13. wine4all

    Software - Linux

    Oh, I almost forgot... the link in the prior post has a review of Mandrake 8.0 and Redhat 7.1. Check it out PostCode and see what you think.
  14. wine4all

    Software - Linux

    Software - More Linux Links Hey Everybody (me & you PostCode, hehe)! Post your favorite Linux Links here for us all to enjoy! This is CNET's Linux center:
  15. wine4all

    Hello Everyone

    Hi Kruz :rolleyes:
  16. wine4all

    Review of RedHat 7.1

    On your swap partition... do you make it a certain multiple of the installed ram? In Windoze I always fix the swap file at 2.5 X the ram. If you wanted to increase the size of the swap partition post installation, how would you go about it without trashing your other partitions? Or could you...
  17. wine4all

    So, how do YOU pronounce Linux?

    PostCode, Your link is no longer current, try this one:
  18. wine4all

    What is your favorite distro, desktop environment and applications?

    Thanks for the input! :D I really want to change my default boot to Linux but I need voice mail software to replace my existing Windoze functionality. I do have a copy of Win4Lin though and might have to try and use it to run my existing software if I can't come up with a Linux alternative.
  19. wine4all

    Review of RedHat 7.1

    OOPS! I stuttered there. How the hell did I do that?
  20. wine4all

    Review of RedHat 7.1

    Sounds great, you really should get a life, but in the meantime I am glad to benefit from your insomnia. I would be curious to hear how you think it compares to Mandrake 8.0 if you have any experience with that distro too? I am a big Mandrake fan (see new topic in this forum). Are you going...