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  1. kuulani

    Roe vs Wade

    Depends on the situation, I don't think abortion should be used as birth control for those who were irresponsible ... but at the same time, in situations of rape, I think a woman has the right to abort that child if she wants to. As a pregnant woman suffering through sleepless nights...
  2. kuulani

    Let it snow

    well, this pic is kinda crappy, I didn't have time to work on it, but here goes ...
  3. kuulani

    Let it snow

    -update - I just took some pics ... gotta download 'em off the camera ...
  4. kuulani

    Re-add me on ICQ

    :p oh ... so you have time to log in here, but no time to read my email? :p :D
  5. kuulani

    Let it snow

    You have to be insane to be a surfer!! I should know, I'm dating one :D Who else in their right mind would get up at 5am to surf in freezing water? :rolleyes: :D Br0ck, no pics yet ... i'm waiting for all the clouds to clear so I can get a nice shot of the mountain.
  6. kuulani

    Homebrew Beer Recipes

    *squashing to craving that's forming* back, beer, back :whip:
  7. kuulani

    A new Volcano forming...

    I saw on the news that the people are returning to the area ... very bad idea. Those people are not familiar with volcanic flows, maybe if they were, they wouldn't be going back so soon to walk across it!!
  8. kuulani

    Let it snow

    It snowed on our mountain yesterday. That's a big deal over here in Hawai'i. This is the most snow our mountain has felt in awhile!! My boyfriend filled the bed of our truck with snow and brought it down to the coast. How many people can say they built a snowman on a tropical coastline? The...
  9. kuulani

    more blind than blind

    I wish!! Tell that to my cheap, crap-buying supervisor!!
  10. kuulani

    Re-add me on ICQ

    did you authorize me already, nan?
  11. kuulani

    more blind than blind

    :p to the both of you. Anyway, I have blind issues 'cause i don't like being blind. It sucks having to wear contacts or glasses all time. I seem like a snob when I don't have them on 'cause I don't wave at people 'cause I can't recognize them *sigh*
  12. kuulani

    How stoopid do I look????

    Sounds like you're preparing for another round of humping ;)
  13. kuulani

    Which Lord of the Rings character are you?

    Legolas :confused:
  14. kuulani

    more blind than blind

    oops ... meant to type "more blind THAN blind" in the subject field ...
  15. kuulani

    more blind than blind

    I just went to my eye doc to do a 6month checkup for my contacts ... and guess what. I'm blinder than I was 6 months ago ... blind enough for him to up the prescription of my contacts :( I sit too long in front of a computer ... it doesn't help that my moniter is so freakin' huge and my face...
  16. kuulani

    How stoopid do I look????

    nan, even though your kids drives us all nuts at times, you gotta love 'em!! Especially when they bake us cake ;) Seriously though, at least the worst thing your kids are into is not doing their homework, it could be worst *knock on wood* *checking if CPS is around* wanna borrow my :whip: ? :D
  17. kuulani

    the dummy with a bag of pretzels and bruise on his face

    That's the first thing I thought of when I heard this story.
  18. kuulani

    seperated ...

    heehee ... i just realized something ... you're stuck in a cubicle :laugh: and because you left this office, it enlargened my work space ... THANKS!! :D
  19. kuulani

    seperated ...

    actually, the 'puters aren't for the hula school ... they're for the charter school that is temporarily housed in the hula school ... although *looking around to make sure none of the higherups are listening* I personally want the charter school out of there and into a building of their own...
  20. kuulani

    Perpetual Welcome Thread
