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  1. Professur

    Linux HELP!!!

    Have your checked your path? Changing users may have fudged that up.
  2. Professur

    Is this forum dead?

    Nice to see you back in a good mood, Ms Nixy.
  3. Professur

    Happy Birthday brainsoft

    another year and you'll be old enough to drink in the states, you young fart
  4. Professur

    The things you think when you do nothing...

    Hmmm. There's an industry for ya. Start making and selling asbestos flags. That would really piss off the radicals.
  5. Professur

    Is this forum dead?

    Well, the moths would like to have them back. They're all singing soprano without them.
  6. Professur

    original food fight thread

    <evil voice> Anything I want, eh? Muhahahahaha * strips everyone naked and sends their clothes out to be cleaned.
  7. Professur

    Blown caps on a motherboard

    The two below it are buggered as well. And I'd be suprised if one of the rectifiers didn't take a whack when it capped off.
  8. Professur

    How do you hold your mouse?

    I use either a trackball or a trackpad.
  9. Professur

    original food fight thread

    Is this the end for the food fight? I've three vietnamese families that wanna clean up and go home.
  10. Professur

    When bears attack submarines

    Sure. It had nothing at all to do with the 100 or so nuclear reactors dumping waste heat into the water.
  11. Professur

    OK, help me out here folks...

    Pulleese Unc. Like that's any danger. The mere threat of sub zero temps and ice are enough to keep you at bay. Kruz, tho, would be a big more formidable.
  12. Professur

    Xi is a Top 100 vBulletin Site!

    What total bullshit.
  13. Professur

    OK, help me out here folks...

    I've always lived by a simple rule. Never do anything you'll regret, and never leave anything undone that you'll regret. So far, I've no regrets.
  14. Professur

    OK laet's say we throw a busting ...

    If I do it, you'll cancel the party. And have to get the kiddies a counsellor.
  15. Professur


    More horses to be sure. Just going from the manifold to mandrel bent headers would supply that. But you'd have to look into adding a second O2 sensor, and figuring out how to hook that into the computer.
  16. Professur

    Opteron - your opinions

    HP doesn't want or need the Opt. They bought Compaq. Who bought Digital. Who developped the Alpha. AKA the best freaking chip technology going. Compaq sold the Alpha to Intel, who've used it's tech to advance their IA64. Which is now the chip of record for their Always On servers.
  17. Professur

    Best way to do it

    Clean it with alcohol first. The paint will stick better. I'd personally take the time to empty it of all the electronic bits first. Then spray paint it and reassemble it when dry.
  18. Professur


    You're looking at pulling the manifolds and putting headers to start with. That gets you breathing easier. You'll be increasing your pipe size too, so there's even less backpressure in the system. Do you guys have to pass a smog check? Might get your wrist slapped there. It that a gas or...
  19. Professur


    He made you do it. I'll back you up.
  20. Professur

    Ok what do ya think?

    The thingy to go to the next page. Which one do you think?