Search results

  1. Gonzo

    UT 2003 benchies

    after looking at Comptechs, I don't feel so bad. (don't get it set up right & make me look stupid) ;) dm-antalus 8.116812 / 31.418615 / 50.841751 fps Score = 31.426907 br-anubis 20.128107 / 52.139854 / 101.280472 fps Score = 52.161175 dm-asbestos 14.062258 / 38.497776 / 64.288940...
  2. Gonzo

    2002 pennent race

    you should, baseball has been mathematically proven to be impossible. hitting a round ball, thrown at great velocity, with a round bat.
  3. Gonzo

    What Dragonball Z character are you?

    fury, we all get beaten by kids in the end.
  4. Gonzo


    Beaver? I got married & it became a vulture. :lol: Nixy, it's okay, as long as you understand poontang. :D
  5. Gonzo

    Off my back deck...

    red sky at...wait a minute, I don't sail. Now what?
  6. Gonzo

    Happy birthday majordad

  7. Gonzo

    2002 pennent race

    game 1 winners NY, MN, ST L
  8. Gonzo

    What Dragonball Z character are you?

    <a href="" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="" alt="I AM CELL" border=0></a> this is good right? I'll have to ask my kid.
  9. Gonzo

    Off my back deck...

    it must have been something in the air. Here'sa a shot from Ft WAyne the same night (or close to it)
  10. Gonzo

    for the new cable guy

    that site is far from fail-proof, but it's still a nice check to do Stealth is good :D
  11. Gonzo

    The beginning...

    they aren't on strike, they're locked out looking great so far, where do I apply? :D
  12. Gonzo

    for the new cable guy
  13. Gonzo

    SWA cockpit

    IF you look out the left side of the keg, err, airplne you'll see the Grand Canyon
  14. Gonzo

    rae have a great day

  15. Gonzo

    greetings from canada!

    welcome :wave:
  16. Gonzo

    September 17th

  17. Gonzo

    IDF takes no chances

    Couldn't remember for sure, thx.
  18. Gonzo

    2002 pennent race

    AL Yankees Oakland Minnesota wc-Anaheim NL Atlanta St Louis 2001 World Series Champs Arizona Diamondbacks wc-San Franciso ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What a wild one. My guesses Yanks are too tired to go all the...
  19. Gonzo


    "Abolish the White Race, page 30, September-October 2002, Volume 105, Number 1" Harvard Magazine. Derrick Bell. He's an apparent former proffesor of Law. excerpts: