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  1. Acid

    FBI Urges Windows XP Users to Disable Features

    The FBI would have to be hacking us to know that :D
  2. Acid

    Interesting Q3 mod

    It pulls all of the "classes" from Id's previous games. You can be "doom" , "slipgater" , "stroggos" , or "arena" . All 4 have the weapons of their respected game title, which makes each class distinct and deadly in their own way. Fun fun :D
  3. Acid

    This one has me stumped

    maybe it needs a bath.. :smash: w/o anything attached it has no beep?
  4. Acid


    maybe the contest should be more of a trade? Stable hdd for good cpu? :D
  5. Acid


    My drive is working fine, and has been for about 2 months. If it fails now, i'm coming after you :lurk:
  6. Acid

    This one has me stumped

    Have you tried pulling out the bios chip and putting it back in?
  7. Acid

    Why Overclock? A mini-essay...

    You forgot. Overclock with ignorance. Pfft. It's bad. Keep away.
  8. Acid

    I see you all online, but NOT POSTING!

    no no. she's just ditching the computers because she doesn't want to spill beer on them :D
  9. Acid

    Raiders collapsing

    as long as steelers make it to the super bowl, who cares about the raiders? :cool:
  10. Acid

    This one has me stumped

    would the mobo battery be dead?
  11. Acid

    Max Payne Review

    It got boring towards the end due to endless repetiveness. Walk in room. Turn on matrix junk (i can't even remember what it's called now) Shoot everybody in the head Repeat for next room And so on. But who says carnage isn't fun for a while :D
  12. Acid

    So, what's your rig?

    ASUS K7V-T AMD Slot-A Thunderbird 850mhz (w/ coolermaster hs w/2x fans) 512 (2 x 256) PC 133 Crucial Hercules 3D Prophet 4500 Creative Sound Blaster Audigy X-Gamer LinkSys LNE100TX v.4 Plextor 16/10/40a CD-RW WhoKnows 24x CD-Rom (tx sam) Promise ATA100 IDE Card IBM Deskstar 60gxp...
  13. Acid

    Interesting Q3 mod

    generations is awesome. a must download for anyone who slightly likes quake 3. i love generations. it'll be fun to see how skilled players choose a class and excel :)
  14. Acid

    I see you all online, but NOT POSTING!

    :D I'm still here. I'm all you need :D I'll be pretty wasted new years :D
  15. Acid

    Specs on the GameCube?

    <a href="">since you're so lazy</a>:smash:
  16. Acid

    come to mama

    rofl. true. true.
  17. Acid

    2.2g Northwood is Out..... $679.00

    not all that impressive..
  18. Acid

    Another Desktop Thread

    <img src="" height="512" width="640" alt="sweetness">
  19. Acid

    7.7 MB of sheer terror!

    So we can't post porn? wait. we got another forum for that :D
  20. Acid

    What SDR mobo w/ Athlon XP?

    Ok, one thing I forgot to mention. It doesn't need audio (I doubt onboard audio sounds better than my SB Live Audigy :p)