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  1. unclehobart

    Pamela Anderson says she has hepatitis C

    Shes been doing Kid Rock lately. Hes not exactly Mr Clean.
  2. unclehobart

    Dell closes down forever

    What'l it cost to overnight a single screw.... and has anyone actually done it for funsies?
  3. unclehobart

    Did an Aircraft really hit the Pentagon

    I've heard nothing of any conspiracy theory. Perhaps you should link us so we can see just what the heck youre talking about.
  4. unclehobart

    Goodbye 4th Admendment

    The base ammendment structure started to erode during the Great Depression and was cemented as a matter of WW2 fast tracked war powers action.
  5. unclehobart

    Happy 1st Day of Spring

    Damn pollen based headaches have arrived. Everything is starting to get that certain yellow haze.
  6. unclehobart

    Teenager hit by puck has died

    CNN just said that the impact was at about 120mph and hit her just forward of the left temple which caused her brain to do a violent shift inside her skull. This apparently opened up one of her arteries and caused a bleed out. She rapidly decayed on the way to the hospital and started to stroke...
  7. unclehobart

    Arrogant little people...

    Post his link anyway... that'll confuse the heck outta them. :D
  8. unclehobart

    Did an Aircraft really hit the Pentagon

    k2= 2nd tallest mountain in Asia. The tallest mountain being the lie I spread about how large my whodiddly is. :D
  9. unclehobart

    Teenager hit by puck has died

    Wow... She left the building under her own power. Any word on what it was that actually did her in? An undiscovered clot of some kind? brain swell? ... eek... that sucks sooo bad.
  10. unclehobart

    My trip to Q's world (lotsa piccys)

    Not so... but it sure helps modify the formulae bottom line mileage tolerance factor. *wink wink*
  11. unclehobart

    Did an Aircraft really hit the Pentagon

    Utter horseshit. There was lots of plane wreckage. It just happened to be contained within the confines of that massive section of the pentagon itself. Lots of it would burn up, melt, get mixed up with upteen thousand tons of reinforced concrete... Not to mention that the whole area is...
  12. unclehobart

    Genome & Seti Information

    Consider yourself passed in about 2 weeks. :D
  13. unclehobart

    Genome & Seti Information

    Do my eyes decieve me, or do I see a Xibase team near 300th place?
  14. unclehobart

    My trip to Q's world (lotsa piccys)

    Same thing wth soy. Heres a very short list of soy stuff. MSG is a new one on me. I didn't know it was soy. Suz, rember the dry rub on the ribs? Lotsa MSG there. No wonder I was feeling mostly off most of Sunday.
  15. unclehobart

    My trip to Q's world (lotsa piccys)

    They are exempt because they have relatively powerful lobbies, I guess. I think it may come down to old BS about protecting corporate trade secrets and stuff. If I ingest a little corn: 4 hours after consumption: I start to turn darker shades of pink; something akin to a sunburn in nature. I...
  16. unclehobart

    My trip to Q's world (lotsa piccys) the bible of brew. *grovels to its wisdom*
  17. unclehobart

    My trip to Q's world (lotsa piccys) A short list of a bunch of the stuff I cant touch.
  18. unclehobart

    My trip to Q's world (lotsa piccys)

    The real problem with finding decent beers is that alcohol is exempt from the food labeling disclosure laws. They are all pretty hard to nail down either by email or letter. They just won't discuss it. The only company that told without a fight was Rolling Rock, which had corn in it.... sigh.
  19. unclehobart

    My trip to Q's world (lotsa piccys)

    I took them with a Canon Powershot G2 4 megapixel digital camera on a dumbed down resolution and on the smallest setting to keep the individual shots at about 100k each. I could have made the pics even sharper and larger at a cost of near 1 meg apiece... but I was just thinking of all of the...
  20. unclehobart

    Man Dies In Fight Over Can Of Beer

    Doesn't sound like a fight over a can of beer to me. Sounds like a fight because the mofo was drunkenly beating on doors at 2 am.