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  1. G

    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    for a motherboard i suggest an asus A7N266-C If you get this board make sure to get two seperate sticks of DDR SDram because it has 128 bit memory bus so it accesses 2 sticks faster than it would 1. This motherboard is based on the nforce 415-D chipset. It comes with GREAT sound onboard (6...
  2. G

    Becoming Human

    monkeys dont live that long
  3. G

    Becoming Human

    Okay just try to imagine a billion years. Now, Multiply that by about 5000. All the matter in the universe came together in a center, a gravity well of some sort. The gravity made it smaller and tighter, but the gravity also made it much hotter and more engergetic. After a while, the...
  4. G

    Becoming Human

    god damn does ANYONE EVER GET THIS RIGHT? We DID NOT EVOLVE FROM MONKEYS!! We evolved from a common ancestor, that means that one species mutated in two successful ways then died off. Our ancestors are NOT LIVING RIGHT NOW. Seriously, dont tell me u dont know that please
  5. G


    that slow ass site? big fuckin deal
  6. G

    Police: Two football players accused of oral sex in class

    bad example? what you want guys to be analy raping girls in class instead? I think it shows proper etiquette to have the bj first, then the ass maybe later :p ok im stupid dont hurt me :retard: :retard: :retard: :retard:
  7. G

    A very nice web site. :retard:
  8. G

    What video card are you running?

    geforce 3 ti200 OCed to 220/450 :cool:
  9. G

    Need higher FPS with my GF4 MX440 64MB DDR...

    easy answer : CS, go with OPEN GL ALL THE WAY! Never use D3D. Personally I dont use d3d in any games at all. Try the same with UT.
  10. G

    "Space aliens predicted to arrive at Olympics today" according to CNN

    is that supposed to be immitating russian? if it is then you're way off. me being russian myself i am very offended :o
  11. G

    Unreal II Countdown

    SO SOON?!?!?! AHHH!!!! *opens up mIRC warez chan*:eh:
  12. G

    Hi there

    Passes pizza and beer to everyone :D :beerchug: can i cut the first piece? :chainsaw:
  13. G

    Hi there

    who's mike? this is matt.
  14. G


    THAT THING IS AWESOME!!!!! AHHHH gotfrag wants.... gotfrag wants badly... *drool*
  15. G

    So, what's your rig?

    Athlon 1.2 Ghz (too lazy to check which stepping it is) MSI Geforce 3 ti200 overclocked to 444/209 512 PC133 Ram (sorry fury, had to ditch the ram u sent me. made my CS freeze up :( ) Sound Blaster Live 5.1 Value CA-50 2.1 Speakers (15 bux :P ) soon to be Dtt2200's 4/2/24 CD-RW drive :( 4...
  16. G

    Hi there

    Hi guys! This is GotFrag reporting for duty. Some of you may know me from (no thats not a spam, dont visit it if you dont want :D ) Im gonna be posting here as often as I can. Ok thats all. :retard: <---- thats me :smash2: <----- thats fury smashing me