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  1. BigDadday

    Deep thoughts from the peanut gallery

    Actually..... Why they bother to ask when a person is on their way out is rather stupid. It's before they spend any money they should try to hit you up I would think!
  2. BigDadday

    Must say....

    I don't know if it's the contest or just that the holidays are over but the board looks alot better than reading 6 month old posts/and answering them to boot.;):beerchug:
  3. BigDadday

    Spirit got roses!!!!!

    South what? Anyway you deserve them and no it wasn't me just a person who thinks she deserves roses by another person.:scared:
  4. BigDadday

    Deep thoughts from the peanut gallery

    Probaly was the richest thing someone gave him GF as he probably stopped as you said and people gave him money as he sat there chewing on a toothpick or straw looking hungry.;):whip:
  5. BigDadday

    I think superstition is superstupid.

    Then will you kindly tell that darn black cloud that has been following me to go away. Oh just kidding.NOT! Now my sister-in-law just died yesterday and what is next I wonder.Operation,job security if I can do my job. NAH i'm not supersticious just plain unlucky then.:(
  6. BigDadday

    Deep thoughts from the peanut gallery

    You are saved and now can go to the nearest highway and at each entrance sell flowers or whatever!:)
  7. BigDadday

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    ;) Supposedly have one on the way. And the price is greeat! Now he already got one for his family and is going to try and get me one as well so i can use it when that time comes. Thnx GF.;):whip:
  8. BigDadday

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hello and welocome greefreak.;) Glad you found us really!
  9. BigDadday

    One word post

  10. BigDadday

    *does a happy dance*

    Feel like I'm evesdroping in on a couple of lovers parked by the lake and the steam is rising etc etc etc.:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm: :beerchug: :D
  11. BigDadday

    Honoring a Traitor

    Gonzo I don't know about the above but do know the "SLUT" was and still is a waste of flesh as I have said because she was there and did belittle our troops for what they were doing there. As id that skank could make all of America change it's mind about the war. Let's not forget the other...
  12. BigDadday

    What's your experience?

    trinity1 Hi and a lil help which helped me was a program called MP3CD and it makes mp3's to wave and you can burn and use it in your car. BD I used the trial download and looked at where I could find the way to open it.hint hint!
  13. BigDadday

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: and welcome so post away and answer at will as well but do so.:D We want your beer and cheese by the way!:p
  14. BigDadday

    Honoring a Traitor

    Jane Fonda is a waste of flesh. Does that say it plainly and politely enough? BD:mad:
  15. BigDadday

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: Hi exile. Hope you enjoy your stay,
  16. BigDadday

    stoopid people day

    LOL what size was that again?:)
  17. BigDadday

    O well Operation it looks like.........

    Now don't everyone come rushing forward now.;):lol: :lol: :smash: :wave:
  18. BigDadday

    O well Operation it looks like.........

    Just saw the doctor and he sees no improivement so he's wanting to do Orthoscopic Surgery on it as I guess the cartilage was torn also.:( I need a Laptop and I'm on Light Duty for 3 more weeks before so I'm hoping someone comes thru with one for me.;)
  19. BigDadday

    does anyone actually use it?

    The only benefits of iCQ is that you can send large files back and forth. Otherwise I don't use it either,BD
  20. BigDadday

    Finally have learned......

    instruction manual ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What are those?:D