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  1. PostCode

    Waste of time

  2. PostCode

    Somebody please

    Unpacking is a time consuming chore....why is it that packing takes SOOOOOO much less time than unpacking does? ughhh
  3. PostCode

    About time LL

    Friend of Gonzo aye... I don't know if that's good or bad... :lol: :lol:
  4. PostCode

    Congress shall make no laws abridging the freedom of speech

    Ok, it's a bit of an over reaction I think, but theoretically, I suppose it could happen. Saying it did happen, I would first press charges of false arrest and police harassment, as they don't have "proof" of an actual threat, only what someone thinks they heard. Second, I would most certainly...
  5. PostCode

    Just in Time

    Happy birthday. :)
  6. PostCode

    PostCode now this

    This explains why the creative drivers were most likely not working. What sound chip is it that is on your motherboard anyway?
  7. PostCode

    Who I am

    Welcome to the funny farm. Stay away from Gonzo, he's kinda wierd. :lol:
  8. PostCode

    Moment of silence

  9. PostCode

    What have we learned?

    I don't think we've really learned anything. People will still remember I think, but I really don't think that the population as a whole has really comprehended the significance of the attack. What really is going to hapen is what will our contry do to itself over the next five to ten years...
  10. PostCode

    ieSpell - A Spell Checker for Internet Explorer

    Sure fury.....rub it in. :D
  11. PostCode

    Does this help???

    Ok. I just got my systems back up. We moved so I was down for a couple days. Check here for the chipset drivers. Intel Chipset Drivers You want to get the Intel INF Installation Utility for Intel 4xx series chipset M/B I've done a complete search on the web at all the locations I...
  12. PostCode

    The dog's rules

    Replace the word dog with cat and you have my problem. :lol:
  13. PostCode

    Everyone post your pic's here!

    The little guy is doing well with his hip. He's starting to use it more and more. This picture is of the old man though. Felix is right around 15 now. We got him when he was about 9 or so from the pound. I couldn't believe anyone would abandon him as he's the most loving cat I have even come...
  14. PostCode

    Does this help???

    You probably want to install the chipset driver first, thent he video driver, then the audio and modem drivers last. You definately want to install the chipset driver first though as this will install the drivers for the AGP/PCI/ISA buses. This will help resolve and/or prevent any driver issues...
  15. PostCode

    Does this help???

    You say the board is called IBB. Select 2 for the correct driver installation. It looks like once you've installed the driver, you may need to select number 3 to install the patch for the driver.
  16. PostCode

    Does this help???

    Looks like your board is a BX motherboard from what you posted, so you want to use options number 2 for the correct driver installation for the chipset drivers.
  17. PostCode

    Does this help???

    When you first boot the computer, during the post portion, you should see near the bottom left corner of the screen you should see a long alpha-numeric string of characters. Write this down and post it back here unless you known exactly what motherboard you have, i.e, make and model. Let me know...
  18. PostCode

    Two things, but the same

    Look at searain79's signature. :D
  19. PostCode

    Two things, but the same

    1. Don't steal my bandwidth. I can't stand it when people do this to me. They aren't paying for it. So you'll just have to learn. I'm a bandwidth thief 2. Don't screw with the big boys over at 2CPU. Your libel to end up like this: H00z's favor
  20. PostCode

    I'm tellin' ya

    19 in a row now. What an amazing run. :jumpblob: :jumpblob: :jumpblob: