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  1. Nihilistic

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

  2. Nihilistic

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

  3. Nihilistic

    Death By Viagra

    let me guess, your very bored...
  4. Nihilistic

    Think Britney needs bigger ta tas?

    That was pretty kool
  5. Nihilistic

    so...what is your favorite smell

    Me and my friend love sulfer from matches, and then again, i do stand out in the crowd...I was searching the net for a kool avatar, it kinda just, standed out...
  6. Nihilistic

    Plans for the long weekend

    Whatever I want, which is with friends...
  7. Nihilistic

    so...what is your favorite smell

    Sulfer from matches
  8. Nihilistic

    One word post

  9. Nihilistic

    Name that (movie) quote

    nope, trust me, youll never get it
  10. Nihilistic

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    you wank to much
  11. Nihilistic

    Doom3 Preview

    My new radeon is already slow.......:banghead:
  12. Nihilistic

    scary thought!!

    why would you need them if your on the crapper 24/7 :confused:
  13. Nihilistic

    Name that (movie) quote

    "Even now, all you can think about is how to destroy me!" i know you know this one havok :) and by the way, that is a movie quote
  14. Nihilistic

    Pizza Ramen Chips and Pepsi = Good

    the power of christ compels you
  15. Nihilistic

    scary thought!!

    ill make sure your tiolet has a heater, cushon, dvd, big screen..
  16. Nihilistic

    Greatest album ever made

    Tool is great, i also like system and linkin parks hybrid theory, there original, but i have to say Dimmu Borgir- black metal at its best!!
  17. Nihilistic

    What Does Your Workstation Look Like™

    :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: new would die for yours
  18. Nihilistic

    One word post

    pissed off angered unhappy violent
  19. Nihilistic

    scary thought!!

    i was thinking more along the lines of steak and easy mac