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  1. kuulani

    A question on taxes

    Tax-wise, is it true that its better to be a single parent, than married? Is it also true that they take out less money if you're on welfare? Than what the hell am I doing working my ass off to keep off of welfare and planning a wedding? :D
  2. kuulani

    Who hasn't done their taxes yet?

    How come you didn't get it? I thought all students were eligible - full-time and part-time?
  3. kuulani

    How long do you suppose before the world unites in peace?

    Come live in Hawaii ... we know how to get along with different cultures, religions and points of view. Just don't tell us we're stupid for believing in what we do, and we won't tell you you're stupid for believing in what you do ;)
  4. kuulani

    Who hasn't done their taxes yet?

    Don't forget Hope Tax Credit - that one came in handy!!
  5. kuulani

    Remember that Rio de Janeiro ep of the Simpsons?

    and even NG isn't believable at times :D
  6. kuulani

    Remember that Rio de Janeiro ep of the Simpsons?

    Hey, as long as you use the profit to fly here and share some of that party money with us ;)
  7. kuulani

    How long do you suppose before the world unites in peace?

    Good point. Believing in higher powers doesn't have to end, but religion as an institution is bad. Religion is often misinterpreted and used as an excuse for stupidity.
  8. kuulani

    so that makes me ...

    Not to further pop your bubble ... but, what were you doing at 15, that you hope your son isn't doing yet? ;)
  9. kuulani

    Who hasn't done their taxes yet?

    Geez, Inky ... what are you gonna do with your $6? :D
  10. kuulani

    Who hasn't done their taxes yet?

    I just spent all of my refund too ... dammit, i didn't even have fun spending it 'cause it was spent on bills.
  11. kuulani

    Who Gardens?

    I mostly do the flower thing, we got a few thriving plants in the ground ... but my boyfriend and I are gonna start our veggie garden soon. Ooh, fresh salad :)
  12. kuulani

    I swear, I'm still alive

    We know why you've been too busy to post ;)
  13. kuulani

    Coke or Pepsi?

    Me too :D
  14. kuulani

    Remember that Rio de Janeiro ep of the Simpsons?

    Chinese weren't happy about Mulan ... Native Americans weren't happy with Pocahontas ... I'm sure the Greeks weren't happy with Hercules. I'm dreading to see the new Disney cartoon set in Hawaii.
  15. kuulani

    breakfast for dinner

    how often do you eat breakfast for dinner? the other night i had cereal for dinner. nalani's house commonly eats waffles for dinner. bacon and eggs for dinner is great too!!
  16. kuulani

    Fav Junk Food

    I picked chocolate, 'cause i'm on this chocolate milk fix ... but i don't really crave chocolate candy.
  17. kuulani

    Fav Junk Food

    its so hard to choose ... lemme see, what am i currently craving? hmmm ...
  18. kuulani

    English is a hard language to learn

    no wonder i failed english ;)
  19. kuulani

    I swear, I'm still alive

    That's what it feels like sometimes ... especially when you see a little bump floating across your stomach surface!!
  20. kuulani

    Maybe it's just me

    Maybe they're mad at you 'cause you hump others when you should be paying attention to them ... wait, that didn't come out right :D