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  1. kuulani

    The Geese

    the golden plover from alaska have started arriving here in hawaii too. they're the smallest birds, but the fact that they can fly the hawaii-alaska is phreakin' amazing!!
  2. kuulani

    Obligatory "what plant did greenfreak buy today" thread

    the maui orchids look so pretty!! how are the plumerias doing in NY?
  3. kuulani

    I found my way back

    thanks, noite. :D about that wanting a large family ... I do want a large one (maybe 3-4 kids) ... I just didn't expect it to be so quick ;)
  4. kuulani

    *tips toes in*

    *watches Neo & Nix*
  5. kuulani

    I found my way back

    I'm feeling the fattest that I've ever been in my whole life ;) But enough about me, I'm just the mother ... baby is doing good, progressing "normally", kicking & doing sommersaults in there. Doctors think its a boy. According to the nurse doing the ultrasound, he had an erection when we were...
  6. kuulani

    I found my way back

    :wave: *settles in* Just thought I'd drop by and see what's going on :D
  7. kuulani

    Summer is done

    I like snuggling under the blankets when its cold :D
  8. kuulani

    original food fight thread

    *stealing some cold chicken from SL before he flings it at Nix*
  9. kuulani

    Made a site for my kid

    I should tell my bf to register at her site ... he loves DBZ!
  10. kuulani

    original food fight thread

    *sees fury slip Nixy tongue while she has a big meatball stuck in there and is impressed*
  11. kuulani

    So which one of you ladies gets to go first?

    damn, I'm 3# in line *waiting impatiently*
  12. kuulani


    Mmmm ... you are soooo right!! :D
  13. kuulani

    Our nuts

    I learn something new every day :D
  14. kuulani

    They say its her birthday.... Na

    :lol: i wish!! although, he can make a lovely beer batter that goes well with fish. is that close enough? :D
  15. kuulani

    shadowfax... have a drink on me!!

    woo-hoo ... seems like i missed this party ... but I'll make it up to you guys when you fly over here :beerchug:
  16. kuulani

    Who I am

    :wave: hi there, puter!!
  17. kuulani


    hmm ... if the guy is worth it, maybe height wouldn't matter. i wouldn't know though, i've never dated anyone shorter than me.
  18. kuulani

    Being Naked

    you can usually find me walking around the house in my bra ... it's too damn hot sometimes in Hawaii. :D
  19. kuulani

    Do I have a chance?

    Why do movie stars even bother to get married? :spin:
  20. kuulani

    What's for dinner?

    I had a chicken tostada from a lovely mexican/south american restaurant in downtown :D