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  1. wine4all


    Post 'em if you got 'em: This one sounds nasty... tastes great! Zucchini Pie INGREDIENTS: 1 cup zucchini, chopped 1 cup sugar 1 cup evaporated milk 1 egg 1 1/2 tablespoon soft margarine 2 tablespoon flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla DIRECTIONS: Cook zucchini in a small amount of...
  2. wine4all


    OK here is one of my favorite labels. I can't take credit for the graphics (snagged 'em off the net), just the layout: Hope this works :rolleyes:
  3. wine4all


    See... I knew the ladies would be attracted to the dancing bottle heheh. I do my labels at home using Bearrock Labeler which works OK. I will scan and post some later so you can see. Neo cheats!!! He has our Desktop Publishing guy at work do his, but his wife says she wants to create some...
  4. wine4all

    A forum just for me?

    Hi Kuulani, Yep, this is the trough where the herd gathers for the really important stuff!!! ->*BUUURRRP*<- Pardon me! :rolleyes:
  5. wine4all


    Glussier, Download the new 0.91 of Mozilla... much faster, but Konqueror 2.1.1 still fastest of them all!!! Mandrake 8.0 rules! :D
  6. wine4all

    Something to celebrate about

    You women are all the same!!! :) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes:
  7. wine4all


    Very cool winemaking story Maxout, loved the lizard :D . Do you still dabble? Hell, I live in Indiana and make wine so what's your excuse? :confused: "Q" I forgot to answer your second question, my bad, you can spank me later (please). It takes approx 16 lbs of vinifera grapes per gallon...
  8. wine4all

    Additional Member Titles

    Hey thanks "Q"! I'll check it out! :p
  9. wine4all


    First empty the water from your waterbed... Put all the grapes where the water was... Then :eek: until your legs fall off! heheh Or the more traditional approach... If have access to a crusher/destemmer turn that puppy on and start dumping the grapes in. Otherwise you could actually fill up...
  10. wine4all


    A local eatery serves their namesake burger "Brevin's Burger" like this: 1/2 lb hamburger grilled to your preference topped with sauteed onions, swiss cheese, crispy bacon and barbeque sauce. O H... M Y... G O D!!! It is gooooooood! :eek:
  11. wine4all


    :eek: :rolleyes: My 7 yr old son wanted to pick a couple instant smileys for me. He wants me to find a cool avatar too. So this post is off topic but humor me. :cool:
  12. wine4all


    OK Max, I'll bite... Where did you drink the free-run from Zinfandel?? :rolleyes:
  13. wine4all

    Additional Member Titles

    Nice lips KissyGoddess!!! :p Where'd you get them? I am looking for a source for my avatar.
  14. wine4all


    Not yet, we have to do carbonic maceration first. heheh :rolleyes:
  15. wine4all


    Hey Post, Just finished a complete read through on your review of RH7.1. Good job. Wish I had seen this before I tried to install RH6.0 as my very first distro. It would have helped. Nice job.
  16. wine4all


    Mandrake has had my attention ever since V.7.0 for that very reason. It was very forgiving about the hardware you were using in comparison to RedHat 6.0 at the time. I found the same true in Mandrake 7.1. But I HATED :mad: Mandrake 7.2. I feel they pulled a total MicroSoft and released...
  17. wine4all


    Try cleaning your mouses ball. :rolleyes:
  18. wine4all


    UC Davis also has a degree in "Fermentation Arts". Winemaking 101: Q: Can wine be made from ANY fruit??? A Technically...NO. True WINE is only made from grapes in the vinifera family. But who cares??? Damn french are way too anal about all this. :mad: Basically winemaking is simple...
  19. wine4all

    What'll it be, Mac?

    Let me guess... You're Scottish!? hehe What's the matter, Canadians don't make wine or mix drinks? :confused:
  20. wine4all

    Software - Linux

    Now Gonz'... That's no way to talk to the guy who is going to not only help you with W2K but also make it dual boot to Linux so it can be a real system! :D Stock the liquor cabinet!!!