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  1. S

    Last word first

    Another game for y'all. Here you have to take the very last word of the previous post and use it as the first word of your post. You have to write an actual sentence, folks.. no post paddin' :rolleyes: :D Does everyone understand the rules? :confused:
  2. S

    Baby puppies (big pic warning)

    Wow.... cute cute. :)
  3. S


    ;) :wave:
  4. S

    Miss ME?

    Hey BD...... never forget you!!!! Hang in there. xo
  5. S

    br0ck baby!!!!!!!!

    I am SO glad to hear that great news..... *hug hug hug*
  6. S

    br0ck baby!!!!!!!!

    Update us... how's Ma doin'?? How's the family doing with the whole thing? How about I come over and we discuss this? ok.... seriously though... how's Ma?
  7. S

    Help moi, s'il vous plait!!!!!

    Why.... oh WHY!!! When I pull up the window that shows me what programs I have running, does it say I have all kinds of shit I didn't know I had? Or use? (I think)? Ok... for example... I have 2 "RUNDLL32"'s?? a "Cnbabe"??? huh?? "Ezulamain"?? "Qttask" Let's see... what else... oh...
  8. S

    One word post

  9. S

    Secret Santa, anyone?

    :) Unfortunately, I can't put myself in the loop here, then it would take the fun out of not knowing who and all that. That's ok.. it'll be fun just arranging it all and watching everyone try to guess who sent whom what. My hotmail is kinda empty though, guys & gals! Send me all your...
  10. S

    Secret Santa, anyone?

    Hey again! I am counting 8 of you so far..... I will do the name draw about mid November to give you time to think about what gift to get and actually get yer ass to the post office and mail it :) Anyone else wanna join?
  11. S

    Pretty bad day today.

    Aw babes, that's a toughie. *hugs* I had an Uncle who suffered some whopper strokes (2!!) and he lived to be almost 90! Love, patience... and believe it or not... humor/laughter. Great medicine that laughter is. tons o' hugs for ya here, br0ck......
  12. S

    no offense to canadians but.....

    :laugh: :lol:
  13. S

    Right Now!!!!! <Pt 2>

    oh ick. Put a pic of yourself up there, Trin... I'll kiss it! ;)
  14. S

    Right Now!!!!!

    It's CUTER than a Spirit pic!!!!!! I LOVE that pic, Trin!! I got that in an email along with a few others, including a hippo in a thong! Ever see that one? Hey, Trin?
  15. S

    Sex, reproduction, etc etc...

    We do judge every day. That doesn't make it right. I think that when we start to point our fingers and call people out for what we think they are, or for the wrong doings we think they are doing in/with thier lives, then we DO have the right to say, "you can not judge..." unless, we, ourselves...
  16. S

    Sex, reproduction, etc etc...

    I think it goes in waves. There were times where it was so open and accepted, like in the Roman Empire. Then there was the harsh judgements from the Churches. Then we hit the free love era... and now we are faced with the disease era. A lot of it has to do with education, or lack thereof. I...
  17. S

    Sex, reproduction, etc etc...

    Whoa! Ease up, there. Are you not aware of the circumstance from which the admiration comes from? Bothered? Gonz, it's not a matter of "bothering". Unfortunately, it's not as easily summed up as that. There are many circumstances that surround each case. In an idealistic world, all people...
  18. S

    All I want for X-mas is....

    : clears throat : "Mi mi mi mi mi mi miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" :cough hack cough: :huuuuwack p-toie!: Okay, I'm ready.
  19. S


    Baby! I am the one to talk to :) E mail me... more info... I can help ya and I'll tell ya why after.
  20. S

    Weekends without....

    What? You say you want me close to you at all times?? Woohoo! :D