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  1. L

    Need Help making A WAN network

    whoa too much info at once i did not understand that. nah this is for my uncle who owns a business. how would i go about creating what to connect them all together?
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    Help me build karma

    2 questions how does this karma thin work and how come some pl wit like 2000 posts have 10 karma when i already have like 13
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    Need Help making A WAN network

    i have to setup a network amongst multiple offices that are located in several differnet states(pennsylvania, NJ,NY etc.) i was wonderin how would i go about doing this. HOw would i connect them all? what hardware would i have to buy? i thoght i would allow my hard drives to be shared and make...
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    Nvidia, a graphics chipmaker, wants to spice up your PC-but without bowing to Intel.

    im wit u neo intel could snap its fingers and nvidia would be gone!
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    Another Pentium lover just turned AMD!!!

    u may have seen my thread already buildin com for first time need help intel or amd?. on that i decided to go with p4 but now im confused. i choose p4 because ppl sed amd isnt compatible with everything and that the amd chip is very delicate and easy to break. i dint wanna break a chip on my...
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    So, what's your rig?

    This is my dell about 1 1/2 years old dell mobo p3 866mhz 256 sdram 10 gig 7200rpm 40 gig 7200 rpm tnt2 m64 sblive! value 10/100 crappy no name ethernet dell's flat screen 17" 40x cd 8x4x32 cdrw i got cable modem tshiba pcx110u using the usb installation and the network card is...
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    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    superior performance at a lower speerd sounds perfect huh? well since its my first build i guess im gonna try and go wit strong parts. i dont wanna mess up the first time. plus if its incompatible i dont kno what i would do if i wanted to put somethin in there and i couldn't sorry. anyone out...
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    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    thanks i decided to go wit a barebone p4 1.6a. sorry but it overclockls like it got dry ice coolin it.:beerchug: well im llookin fer barebones so if nebody got suggestiuons please post!!!!
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    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    its at so ill be savin on shipping too saying theres a best buy near me.but with all of the new athlon horror stories ive been hearing about not being compatable and the chips breaking im back to step 1 cant decide over athlon or intel. i think im gonna go with an intel 4 1.6a...
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    Becoming Human

    whoa this hread has been goin on for much longer than it should have.. just drop it thas why there are people out there tryin to figure it out, there is no answer yet. and as for antichrist thanks fer the mention but i dont remember sayin or implyin that. maybe i just dont remember. peacE!
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    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    what do u guys think bout this case its like 40 bucks cheaper, has good reviews and its a good size fer me too! antec 80830, its only $100 compared to $140 fer the Antec SX1240. Thanks. P.S. it seems to have enough room (8 bays) and its 300 watts which should be enough fer me! thanks!!!!!!!
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    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    i guess im gonna go fer the asus A7N266-C mobo since ppl seem to be recomendin it and it has what i need. i was thinkin about gettin an audigy wit my new com but io guess ill live wit on board sound until i cab afford the upgrade. thanks you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    i decided raid isnt the thin fer me. sorry. but i dint wanna stick a crappy drive in my nice new com!!!!! well im stumped wit the mobo and case so if anybody has any suggestions pleas help. thanks alot evry1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially the person who explained raid sorry cant see ur name from...
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    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    so i guess if im just a regular user that doesnt need the data to be protected with guardsand guns i dont need raid? and im not gonna spend that musch on a second drive. how much faster is raid?? thanks:retard:
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    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    while were at it i kno this is a big question but wuts raid??:beerchug:
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    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    when i was goin fer the abit th7 when i was goin fer pentium 4. but now that im goin for amd xp 1900+ i dont know where to go :confused: . i would prefer a asus or abit. so anybody got any suggestions thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. L

    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    thank you very verey much, i decided to go wit a barebone amd xp 1900+ but i dont kno which one, ne1 suggest any or ne mobos or cases??thanks again u ppl at xi rule!!!!!!!!!!
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    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    i checked pricewatch and i couldnt find any wut did u search under thanks!!!!!!!!!!!! edit: i got it thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
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    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    they should come out wit a new connection system for sound cards like how vid cards have agp!! that would be so cool! but sound is about as good as it gets wit sound blasters rite now so hey!!!!!:snooze: :whip: :scared: :worm: :eek2: :spin: :cry2: :sick: :beerchug: :eh: :cry:lol