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  1. Q

    UPS deal of the century

    I have cable, I never taught my computers how to dial :D
  2. Q

    The next big thing for broadband?

    They'll be moving outta the garage soon, methinks.
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    UPS deal of the century

    Thanks prof. I haven't had time to mess with it, but now that it pissed me off, it's become a mission. I'll be sure not to enable auto-kill on start up. What on earth would have possessed them to add that feature?? Smartass programmer?:retard:
  4. Q

    This is too good to pass up

    All the things that need legitimate medical research and these boneheads are investigating the happy-spoof factor?:eh: Wonder if the results would be the same if the method of transmission was a turkey baster? :lol:
  5. Q

    My street is flooded

    We are just starting the hurricane season. It rains almost everyday. They had a backhoe here a couple weeks ago digging out the ditch that's about 60 yards from my front door. Think that's a bad sign?:scared: I might have to walk my dogs with a john boat.
  6. Q

    Death Only By Juries, High Court Says

    It does not instuct a judge not to assess punishment, unless you're reading something I'm not. If the jury is gonna act like a big buncha pussy babies then the judge should send them on their merry way and do the dirty deed himself. Although, I'm kind of opposed to the death penalty just...
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    Death Only By Juries, High Court Says

    :eh: I don't really get the part about how it violates the defendants right to a trial by jury...They got a trial....the jury decided they were guilty...then the judge imposed the sentence. Besides, I'm pretty sure sentencing is based on a point system. The judge can't just give a guy a one...
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    UPS deal of the century

    Oh.....I'll get my rebate:lurk: I don't take no crap when it comes to money. :smash::D
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    UPS deal of the century

    I thought I'd give the auto-shutdown a case I'm not home when the power goes off.
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    UPS deal of the century

    Office Depot has 350va UPS's on sale. Reg. price $89.99- $20.00 instant rebate -$30.00 mail in rebate. I got 2 :dance: if I could only get the fucking software to install. :mad:
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    Forest Employee Charged in Wildfires

    I heard that on the radio today. How in the hell did they catch her?
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    *rubs Fusers head* ....did the hair grow back on the cat and the neighbors yet?:D
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    ATTN: Smokers

    No, stay. Shit on all the threads you like. You know you're gonna anyway. You've threatened to leave a hundred times and you never follow through. You never do anything you say you're gonna do. I'll be the one to leave. At least I can make a goddamn decision and stand by it.
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    My printer is driving me crazy again

    Okie dokie. I'll do that first thing in the morning.:kiss:
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    Happy B-Day Posty!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY POSTY!!!! :beerchug: :hbd:
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    My printer is driving me crazy again

    no, they haven't been speaking....xp is all pissed off about the router:eh:
  17. Q

    My printer is driving me crazy again

    I deleted it and reininstalled it yesterday, making sure it was installed as a network printer. I just gave it the path you specified and it still does the same thing :cry:
  18. Q

    My printer is driving me crazy again

    The printer is physically attached to the rig with xp pro on it. It works just fine with that machine. I have sharing enabled on both machines ( the other one is 98)It will not print from the 98 machine. When I try to print from the 98 machine it says "problem communicating with the printer"...
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    original food fight thread

    *shoots tapioca pudding at prof*
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    i'm bored

    This sounds like a new verse to an old familiar song:snooze: